Monday, December 31, 2018

Welcome year 2019 - commit to master your thoughts.

Anmol Singh-Psychologist, Chandigarh Contact 9872880634

Welcome year 2019 - commit  to master your thoughts.

Be aware of your negative emotions like anger. Do not feel threatened / loose your temper in an emotionally charged atmosphere. Underline the irritants/triggers/reasons that disturb and stress you.  Do not suppress but give expression to your negative thoughts and discuss with your trusted ones to make an effort to eliminate as much of them as is feasible.  Maintain self control/discipline, put in an extra effort to remain calm and composed, strengthen self with positive thoughts to live a peaceful life.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Listen & Respond - Body Language

Anmol Singh- Child psychologist and Counselor, Chandigarh
Listen & Respond - Body Language 

A feeling of pang in your gut when you may be doing the wrong thing, or a vibrant zing when your body approves your action, can guide you reliably at times when logic fails. Sometimes, when logic prevails, we ignore our gut & live to regret it, understanding later that a rational approach is only one way of determining what is going on in a situation & how we should react. 

The gestures & expressions we/others make, the sensations/feelings within when we are communicating with others, the non verbal communication of body, reveal enlightening messages. Excitement, nervousness, anxiety & fear are just some of the messages that your body wants you to hear.

Crossing of arms over chest indicates feeling defensive, looking away while speaking indicates withholding of some information,  brushing hands through others hair or leaning forward to get closer indicates flirting with someone one is attracted to and body telling you to move away from a particular circumstance indicates you do not want to be there.

Tune in and listen to the language of body to know the truth about ourselves & others.  Pay attention and tune in to your feelings inside if you want to know how you truly feel about a person or a situation you encounter and listen to what others are communicating to you through their body. Take a deep breath and tune in to a clear & communicative gut feeling for guidance in order to adjust your action accordingly.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Avoid the urge to withdraw from world

Reach out to the trusted & loving people, who care about you the most, and share your hopes, fears, grief, sadness and pain with them. It helps them feel & understand your feelings and vulnerability. Their wisdom, perspective & experience helps you lessen the burden and stop your urge to withdraw from life seeking protection from external stimuli causing adverse and damaging feelings.  

Friday, December 21, 2018

Worry is confused with Concern for your children

Worry is confused with Concern –parents to take note of

The thoughts, words & actions of our parents, siblings, friends and well wishers witnessed since childhood inculcates in us a belief that worrying is caring. That is why we live according to this belief and also ask our children many annoying questions out of fear & anxiety generated due to our own assumptions/presumptions about his/her difficult emotional situation/future. They definitely need our support but worrying is not expressing love/concern i.e Care. The factors/people/external environment responsible for their situation may be beyond our control but how we help them respond can determine the quality of their life.

We must comprehend their needs, empathize with them, walk with them in challenging times, determine how best to support & assist enabling them build confidence to persevere through almost any condition. The guardianship ensures they grow as individuals, develop qualities of patience, tolerance & acceptance, prepares & strengthens them to handle uncomfortable challenges while living their lives with grace.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018



Every human being commits mistake and regrets doing it, but self-forgiveness is important to become a compassionate person. We all go through many things in life that bring pain and hold self/people/situations/GOD accountable for this. By judging oneself and others one develops a mindset that leads to finding fault with everything, criticism and disappointment that elicits strong feeling of anger and pain.

Holding on to the perceived harm/danger, anger and resentment from the unforgivable act makes you go through same pain again and again which is detrimental to the feeling of self-love and thus self-forgiveness. Forgiveness is about letting go. It is not about forgiving someone else but about setting yourself free from that pain. Feel the emotions, release them, move on in life and evolve as a happier and better person.
Acknowledge, take responsibility for mistakes, make amends to not simply get along with others, but so to avoid making the same mistakes in the future. View the mistakes as lessons and overcome victim mentality that impacts your happiness, health, and future. It allows one to live in the present instead of being stuck in the past and deal with the scare that we are going to commit mistakes in the future.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Resentment – get rid of it for personal development & Joy.

Resentment – an impediment in personal development & Joy.

All of us get angry. Anger is the emotional response to someone who inflicts pain or something that does not happen the way you want, need or expected it to.
Resentment is anger that does not find outlet and holding onto the hurt. It is a way of assigning blame to someone or something responsible to ease the feeling of pain. It smolders relentlessly just below the surface of our awareness thus eroding our peace of mind and causing great turmoil in life. Realise that hanging onto resentment in our hearts does not serve us in any way. We only hurt and harm ourselves. Choose peace over anger in your life to be free from suffering.

We must choose to let go of our resentment and to move on with our lives, no matter how painful the event that incited it. It is difficult to successfully divest ourselves of resentful feelings but doing so lets us confront the source of anger mentally & emotionally.

We must shift our attention from those we resent back toward ourselves. Think about your own needs and quell resentful feelings by giving tangible form to your emotions. Write down your feelings, then burn the paper & wish them well. When you find compassion in your heart, you know you are on your way to healing.

Free of resentment we have much more energy and attention to devote to our personal development & joy.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

He/She is different - Acknowledge & Accept

One of a Kind

Acknowledge the importance of individuals in family who fail in some way to connect and try to keep healthy relationship. Never expect them to change their values/aspects of their individuality. This sense of not belonging exhibited by them must be perceived as the natural result of their willingness to articulate their own individuality. They may pull back from the people to whom they might otherwise feel closest and embrace a different group with whom they enjoy a greater degree of commonality. It sets them apart in their choice to connect with specific people to experience what would contribute to their ongoing evolution. They may be more sensitive, artistic, aware & imaginative. Their disparate (dissimilar) temperament need not be a reason for interpersonal conflict. Move beyond comparisons, accept these differences and appreciate the role they play in your life's unique journey.

The Journey of Purpose

The Journey of Purpose

It is commonly said - 'Happiness is a journey, not a destination. Happiness is not only in reaching your purpose, your destination, but also in the journey of purpose’.

We almost right through our life work hard to achieve our various long term or short term goals - personal goals, professional, financial, social, relationship goals; goals related to physical well being & health etc.  We direct all our actions towards fulfilling this purpose of life with a lot of expectations.  

A carefree, expectation free & detached rather than a stressful worried approach to our dreams lets one live happily in today rather than making our happiness dependent on achievements of future. Avoid getting upset & discouraged that makes the journey difficult & tiring. The worries and stress not only harm the emotional self but even our physical body & relationships. Remember happiness is not later, it is always now.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Delusions and hallucinations

Delusions and hallucinations:

Humans are vulnerable to circumstances. These circumstances, life style, relationships, day to day nitty-gritty all take a toll on us in today’s fast paced life. Some of us experience harrowing experiences in absence of social support. They feel neglected, abandoned & shackled. They feel people ill-treat & harm them. Their lives are spent balancing despair and hope. They suffer long term anxiety, depression, indulge in self talk and keep smiling inappropriately. Society categorizes these people Chronic PMI( persons with mental health) suffering from psychotic disorders.

These people refuse treatment due to lack of insight, stigma of mental illness and fear of rejection. These people silently suffer from mental illness e.g schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, unipolar depression, Obsessive compulsive syndrome (OCD), dementia etc. Their families also get burdened emotionally, financially, economically, socially, health wise and suffer social deprivation. 

Prioritize and do away with responsibilities that hold no value to you. Be friends with those who want, accept and cherish your company. Share responsibility and take help when necessary to create a balance. Do away with anticipated fears and get rid of unwarranted thoughts that drain your energy and have negative emotional consequences leading to severe mental health issues.  Fight your battle with the knowledge & virtues like patience & tolerance acquired through interpersonal relationships, a life free of parochialism & prejudice, developing an understanding that pain & pleasure/ loss & profit are all relative and must be taken in one’s stride. Learn to control & handle emotions, let out your feelings and perform your duties despite the grief over a loss to retain a good and sturdy mental health.     

Assess and be aware of things of paramount importance to you and spare time to rejuvenate yourself on the road to happiness.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Relying on Others - The Wisdom of Surrender

Relying on Others - The Wisdom of Surrender

Most of us take pride in ourselves on self-sufficiency. One’s ego resists acceptance of challenging situations fully as it brings up feelings of uselessness & vulnerability. However, at times when one faces such situations in which one has to rely on someone else, it is essential that we let go of our feeling that we should be able to do it all by ourselves. We should accept the help of others. The experience of needing others & allowing them to help us makes us realize that we are not on our own in the world and it enables us to be wiser. A deep feeling of gratitude emerges as we open to the human experience of being helped. We are only happy when we are full of gratitude.

Acceptance & surrender to own limitations & helplessness help us discover humility, gratitude & an understanding of human experience that enables us to be much more compassionate in the service to others when we are called upon to help.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Uncontrollable recurrent thoughts/acts – Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) ... Contact us for Counselling and CDT session.. Contact at 9872880634

Uncontrollable recurrent thoughts/acts – Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)  

Spending a long time in washroom, washing hands again & again, seeking cleanliness/orderliness, checking and rechecking, indulgence in self talk are few symptoms of a personality trait that tests other’s patience and compassion. These embarrassing impulsive socially awkward behavior/actions of an individual develop an uneasy relationship between him and family, friends & colleagues. These acts cause the person significant stress and disruption in daily life. Individual suffers and struggles with the feeling of abandonment, loneliness, gap between ability & aspirations, stigma and apathy. It is the chemical imbalance in brain leads an individual experience recurring thoughts/repetitive actions, one has no control over. Generally we are ill-informed and ill-equipped to deal with these individuals in need of trust and support. Such individuals call for greater care and consideration.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Inner sense of rebellion ???

Child psychologist Chandigarh

Inner sense of rebellion at being compelled to pursue a career either under pressure from parents or one’s awareness of the need for money instead of what you are passionate about quietly builds up suppressed feelings leading to pent up anger and aggression in human being.  Firm expression of one’s needs & conviction, openly and honestly, without any inhibition, without being disrespectful & abusive avoids unwarranted accumulation of suppressed feelings & thus interpersonal conflicts. Self acceptance of one’s own emotional state & response, respect for other’s limitations, assertive communication but a pleasant approach with love remaining non-judgemental helps in avoiding withdrawal & thus failed relationships.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Never ever call a child stupid/idiot

No one has the right to call a child stupid/idiotic.

A child is groomed & conditioned to accept & reciprocate in a particular style as he/she grows up while witnessing interpersonal communication of people surrounding him/her. He/She is constrained to face relevant/irrelevant questions by people making the child respond in his/her acquired style accordingly. His/her response, when found weird/awkward, makes us form an opinion about his/her behavior and label him/her stupid/idiotic. Please never ever call a child stupid/idiot.     

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Brought up of a Happily engaged child

Happily engaged child

Spare & spend time, value his/her existence & show you care, to have an everlasting bond with your child. Discuss together and encourage child to come out with ideas/ways to make his/her learning a fun process to achieve set goal. Regularly acknowledge and recognize his/her efforts via a simple pat on the back/reward to keep the child motivated and happily engaged in learning. Make him understand that his/her evaluation is not to scare him/her but to appreciate his/her initiative. Evaluations are undertaken to communicate & validate he/she is on the right path of learning process and is happily engaged child. In the process he/she will voluntarily make extra efforts to train & develop for his/her growth.  

Monday, November 12, 2018

Master your destiny for blissful life - Drive away your fears

Blissful life- be master of own destiny.

Drive away your fears, control repetitive & compulsive reaction and create a balance between mind and body. Being happy and joyful means leading a stress free life. Nature provides serene environment in which one gets the opportunity to converse with GOD in the quietness and have a Divine connect. Mind is difficult to control however emoting from heart in personal conversation with god, unburdening oneself, seeking benevolence invites divine grace.     

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Parental dominance - must avoid it

Parental dominance and its effects.

Parent’s nagging too much over upkeep of his/her room, time spent on mobile or the friends he keeps and repeatedly preaching life’s lessons telling kids as what is good for them make them react violently. Chide a child with adjectives useless, pathetic, good for nothing fellow and invite impolite response. They rebel and react with brazenness to express defiance when feel humiliated. Disrespect is displayed by teenagers wanting their space in the form of rude behavior due to their annoyance. The heated exchange between parents and a defiant child in turn is awkward. Learn to ignore minor irritants and show basic respect to child irrespective of the age. Don’t counter their rude behavior in the same spirit instead leave and take time out. Realization afterwards works better with the kids. 

Friday, November 9, 2018

Children/Adolescents addicted to Screen --think about its adverse effects on mental well being.

Children/Adolescents addicted to Screen --think about its adverse effects on mental well being.

A US study published in the journal Preventive Medicine Reports claim that after just one hour of screen time, children and adolescents may have less curiosity to learn, lower self control, bad temper & lower emotional stability that can lead to an increased risk of anxiety and depression. Leisure time spent by children and adolescents on such devices can and must be regulated for keeping in check the adverse effects on their mental health/wellbeing. Regular exercise regimen and playing outdoors in childhood/adolescence promotes long lasting health.     

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Longevity of relationships solely depends upon transparent communication

Convey polite refusal to unreasonable excessive demands/request.

The fear of being typecast as difficult person force individuals take an approach of keeping mum or saying a feeble yes instead of clear refusal when in a situation of turning down a unreasonable excessive demand/request. An individual needs to understand that longevity of relationships solely depends upon transparent communication. Saying No bluntly is generally interpreted as emotional reaction and not a thought through answer. Acknowledge and thereafter convey with a smile a reasoned polite negative response to the point for an effective intended refusal.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Building a strong relationships after all is very important

Overreaction is harmful.

Overreaction in situations is instinctive and damaging but the realization comes later. Watch out for warning signs, identify, plan and convince self of the need to change this aspect of your personality. One who controls this aspect of his/her personality gets better control over self that helps avoid unwarranted outcome. Building a strong relationships after all is very important for socializing, having fun conversations and to discuss something weighing on mind. 

Make it a habit

A must to do at the end of the day.

An individual in today’s fast racing world experiences, all through the day, various situations that gives birth to anxiety and worry. The physical and emotional stress so generated elicits either fight or flight response. At the end of the day calm your agitated mind to deal with the racing thoughts damaging yourself. Any activity/hobby like reading, walk, game etc which is carried out with concentration and focus for about a minimum of 60 minutes provides distraction and helps calm your mind & body. Make it a habit. 

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Lost deep in thought, avoids sharing concerns -- one is on the path to alienation

Alienation causes stress and adversely affects health. Lost deep in thought, avoids sharing concerns are some of the symptoms indicating an individual is on the path to alienation. Individual suffers feeling of discomfort due to fear of being perceived in a certain way, fear of losing out, insecurity, lack of self awareness, clarity of goal and commitment. Fear of rejection affects self esteem leading to isolation. The individual is in urgent need of a person in whom he/she can confide and share his/her concerns. Professionals are trained to listen in a non biased manner with care and respect maintaining the individual’s privacy and counsel accordingly. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Suffering from emotionally unpleasant experiences.

An individual suffers discomfort from suppressing one’s true identity. He/She must get the real sense of self -identity; other’s prejudices must not hold importance in one’s life. The prevailing uncertainties in life give birth to worries that cause discomfort, always keep your mind engaged in challenging activity with clear achievable goals to create a state of flow (state of mind) to disengage from likely emotionally unpleasant experiences. 

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Do you never feel good enough?

Do you never feel good enough? Are you struggling with emotional coming of age and associated drama unfolding in the journey of questioning every aspect of your own identity to reach a state of self acceptance? You do not value self and taken a path of self destruction.  You need to understand life is certainly not a straight line, there are ups and downs. Every one deals with it at some point of time in life. A therapist helps you understand that the problems are common/general in nature and not affecting only you. He / She assists in finding your emotional vocabulary that guides and provides direction to deal with everyday struggles. It is hard work and there are no shortcuts to heal yourself on the path to recovery from your emotional ailments.

Contact M-9872880634 for Counselling.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Blame game causes irreparable damage to relationships.

Blame game causes irreparable damage to relationships.

Generally a natural reaction, a common negative habit, in a conflict is to blame the other. The reason being we carry & have an image of ourselves as the one who can never do anything wrong or incorrect and as such is never at fault. We identify with this internal image completely and are deeply attached to it. The fear of loss or harm to this internal image, we are deeply in love with, in case we admit our mistakes, makes a person play the blame game to save face & gain temporary respect, even if it is at the expense of someone loosing face & being disrespected. This image, which is so defined in spiritual language, is called reputation in common language. The Law of Karma, though, does catch up sooner or later with such a person and with such behavior. Being honest may cause temporary harm to the internal image or reputation, but one remains safe according to karmic principles in the long run & the temporary harm, if any, is undone & respect regained. 

Monday, October 22, 2018

Laughter is the best medicine for mind and body

Laughter is the best medicine for mind and body. Laughing is natural but the frequency decreases with age as you grow up and become less natural.


There is no other medicine more economical than this.
It decreases the risk of getting stressed and depression.
It increases the quantum of friendly Cholesterol.
It increases the anti-bodies production, thus increases immunity.
Loud laughter energizes our nerves, intestine, lungs &throat and flow of blood.
Laughter changes silence of eyes into vibrant language.
Laughter fills lips with magic.
Happy people live longer.

Advisable tips

Retain and store all the positive thoughts, positive techniques in your mind and use them liberally according to your need and time at your disposal. Indulge in your hobby, exercise regularly, build friendships, listen to music and enjoy humour. This approach will always keep you happy.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Feeling low or stressed

You find someone very close/loved one feeling low or stressed, it’s time to extend support. Be concerned and initiate conversation to enable person evaluate his/her life, experiences, abilities, be aware about self, express feelings and vent out pent-up emotions to help lighten the burden.  Listen, do not judge, express genuine concern, provide emotional support with empathy & understanding to help cope in a better way with his/her feeling of  helplessness & hopelessness Encourage the person to seek timely professional help for a healthy and happy future.  

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Self confidence - an inner powerful and strong belief

Self confidence, an inner powerful and strong belief, helps you face successfully a situation beyond your control. Past failures, an environment with negative people, wrong assumptions & beliefs, emotional & physical state do lowers one’s self confidence.  It solely depends on the way an individual takes care of himself/herself internally. Watch your words, these reflect your innerself. Self talk, habitual negative talk or cribbing, needs to be urgently arrested and changed. Be grateful for all that you have achieved, big or small, and tap each opportunity with a belief that you can and deserve every chance to grow, prosper and flourish. Spend more time with people having positive mindset, optimistic and constructive approach to life.  Build, develop and maintain self confidence. Collaborate with people sharing same goal and vision to boost self confidence level.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Handle with care

Handle with care

Depression causes suffocating and detrimental severe emotional and physiological problems. It drains an individual’s energy and self-esteem. The feeling of worthlessness, despair & hopelessness shatters self-confidence resulting in his/her less socialization, isolation and loneliness resulting in depression taking over. Family support is crucial to help them tackle this phase in life.  Counseling among others is one of the effective treatment options.    

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Self-worth --- crucial factor of paramount importance

Importance of self worth

Self worth is of paramount importance and crucial factor in tackling depression and anxiety. One creates a belief, over a period as one grows, about one’s identity and impression. Never compare self with others, neither seek gratification/approval nor opt for a false escape from reality. Focusing on one’s achievements howsoever little and celebrating them strengthens a positive belief about his/her self-worth. Spending time with people who inspire, motivate and respect gives a fillip to self-worth. Regularly introspect your emotions and behavior, try to get better than before and live up to your own expectations.  Seek help from friends, family or professional.   

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Importance of Anger Management

Importance of Anger Management  

Anger is suffering, hurt, ruining of relationships and self punishing. It causes heartache & regret. When we are angry at some unexpected upsetting behavior, it temporarily generates a powerful false sense of ourselves taking control over it. The raging thought of having being wronged is an image within our mind that makes us get angry and our out of control emotional/physical outbursts lead to destruction and pain. Consider the hostile state as foreign to your true nature. Realize, recognize and be aware of its destructive, pain inflicting nature instead of the temporary powerlessness and take the hostile state lightly.

Life is present moment – your past & future is delusional that inflicts pain.

Regrets of the past, worries about the future and being judgmental annihilates the present from our lives. Accept & Focus on present condition, be objective & get rid of stressful thoughts, concentrate on current activity, be fully aware of your behavior and reactions, understand its impact on state of mind, embrace the reality, live in present moment for a happy, joyful and de-stressed life.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Greater Joys of life


Our state of mind i.e calmness, peacefulness, quietness gets disturbed by our living in the narrow confines of boundaries, limitations we assign to the concept of our happiness while busy fighting the odds/challenges of daily life. The constant comparisons, running after materialistic things, the weaknesses, guilt leads to unhappy state of mind. Happiness lies in the greater joys of life found in your creativity, strengths, simple living, affirmation to be happy and beauty of nature.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Forgive and Move on

Forgive and Move on

The resentment and regret at being taken undue advantage of, a feeling none is sincere to you and the disappointment at not being recognized & appreciated for your help by one’s loved ones builds anger and often pushes one away from them. The false pride creates differences and leads to isolation. Do not let it happen. Learn to forgive, appreciate what you have and move on in life.    

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Make your presence felt

Behaviour is categorized as either acceptable or unacceptable. Society identifies an individual’s character in accordance with how one conducts himself/herself. Respect & consideration for others in your interactions is essential to decent behavior. One’s acts, gestures, words, posture and appearance does affect and defines his/her acceptability by people around, one is interacting with, improve upon them to enhance the quality of relationships.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Counselling helps children fight their lone battles.

The worry and pressures of competition among the peers and the stress of pleasing family adversely affects mental health of children. Their suppressed feelings of being responsible for the failure, rejection and the internal fight with these nagging thoughts result in emotional turmoil, depression and escapist tendencies driving them to the extent of suicides. They need to speak out openly, talk about their struggles, not to be apologetic, admit and accept the mistakes and seek help/support to overcome the mental imbalance. Acknowledge their need for professional counseling and do not let them suffer silently their terrible mental condition in isolation. The professionals help them deal and fight slowly and steadily towards mental fitness. Contact -9872880634

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

A friend-obsessed person

Manage the reality and be happy.

Does enjoyment means the time spent in the company of friends only. Watching a movie, vacation, dinning out, any celebration etc but not without friends is an obsession and takes away one’s own private time and is a reality. One is a Friend-obsessed person and is constrained to invite displeasure, cribbing, irritating behavior of one's own family members. Do also value and cherish the moments spent in the company of  family members.   

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Power of subconscious mind

Power of subconscious mind

Subconscious heals and strengthens. Conscious mind is rational- helps you decide with reasoning whereas subconscious mind is irrational and holds emotions, thoughts/ideas processed into beliefs that manifest into our behavior. The unwarranted fear, worry, doubts, cynicism gives birth to tensions & anxiety. Do not harbor resentment and hatred. Feeling of love and kindness tears apart the anger and hatred. Select thoughts/ideas correctly, do not accept superstitions & falsehoods and create a reservoir of infinite intelligence, firm mind, wisdom above pleasure, pain, loss/gain within you that inspires, secures and brings in joy, harmony and peace in your life.  

Saturday, September 22, 2018


Compassion is a great motivating factor. Parental support, help, guidance & focus on his/her well being while assisting a child define and work towards goal with clarity brings out the best in your child. Assertiveness and control does not pay and is not desirable. Generally each individual thinks himself/herself as somebody and rebels on being denied his right. Trust in capability, respect for views, showing tolerance to inadvertent and unintentional mistakes and making him/her feel important rather than micro managing helps the child develop in an emotionally sharp and intelligent human being. Criticism stunts the normal growth but deliberate mistakes and blunders deserve strict handling. Your opinion/action must not generate feelings that depress him/her.

Thursday, September 20, 2018



Look inwards for peace and contentment. One needs to be honest with oneself and act according to one’s dream. Other’s opinion, appreciation or criticism, either of it must not affect you. Remain grounded in the face of appreciation and do not take criticism seriously, it generates feelings that depress you.  One easily gets swayed by the goings on around leaving one mentally exhausted. Persistent state of despair and sadness adversely affects mental and physical health. Look at the bigger picture and control your thoughts to navigate through unending worries.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Practicing Child Psychologist and Counselor in Chandigarh. Contact 9872880634 for appointment.

A must Investment in Child care

A must Investment in Child care

Children are sensitive to the day to day interactions with peers, parents and teachers. They tend to believe what they are told. Criticism, Negative statements like finding faults in others or witnessing aggressive behavior develops a kind of behavior a child displays that needs correction. They ponder over it and then create their own opinion according to their judgment. It limits their ability to think and explore. Tolerating or inflicting trauma, poking fun at others physical traits/mannerism, facing or forcing isolation, mocking/spreading rumours about certain classmate that makes him/her uncomfortable are not normal, mischievous behavior of a child. Unchecked and taken lightly this type of behaviors nurture aggression/meekness in them, either of which is not good for a child to grow into a well behaved and well mannered adult.