Friday, December 21, 2018

Worry is confused with Concern for your children

Worry is confused with Concern –parents to take note of

The thoughts, words & actions of our parents, siblings, friends and well wishers witnessed since childhood inculcates in us a belief that worrying is caring. That is why we live according to this belief and also ask our children many annoying questions out of fear & anxiety generated due to our own assumptions/presumptions about his/her difficult emotional situation/future. They definitely need our support but worrying is not expressing love/concern i.e Care. The factors/people/external environment responsible for their situation may be beyond our control but how we help them respond can determine the quality of their life.

We must comprehend their needs, empathize with them, walk with them in challenging times, determine how best to support & assist enabling them build confidence to persevere through almost any condition. The guardianship ensures they grow as individuals, develop qualities of patience, tolerance & acceptance, prepares & strengthens them to handle uncomfortable challenges while living their lives with grace.

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