Thursday, December 6, 2018

Delusions and hallucinations

Delusions and hallucinations:

Humans are vulnerable to circumstances. These circumstances, life style, relationships, day to day nitty-gritty all take a toll on us in today’s fast paced life. Some of us experience harrowing experiences in absence of social support. They feel neglected, abandoned & shackled. They feel people ill-treat & harm them. Their lives are spent balancing despair and hope. They suffer long term anxiety, depression, indulge in self talk and keep smiling inappropriately. Society categorizes these people Chronic PMI( persons with mental health) suffering from psychotic disorders.

These people refuse treatment due to lack of insight, stigma of mental illness and fear of rejection. These people silently suffer from mental illness e.g schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, unipolar depression, Obsessive compulsive syndrome (OCD), dementia etc. Their families also get burdened emotionally, financially, economically, socially, health wise and suffer social deprivation. 

Prioritize and do away with responsibilities that hold no value to you. Be friends with those who want, accept and cherish your company. Share responsibility and take help when necessary to create a balance. Do away with anticipated fears and get rid of unwarranted thoughts that drain your energy and have negative emotional consequences leading to severe mental health issues.  Fight your battle with the knowledge & virtues like patience & tolerance acquired through interpersonal relationships, a life free of parochialism & prejudice, developing an understanding that pain & pleasure/ loss & profit are all relative and must be taken in one’s stride. Learn to control & handle emotions, let out your feelings and perform your duties despite the grief over a loss to retain a good and sturdy mental health.     

Assess and be aware of things of paramount importance to you and spare time to rejuvenate yourself on the road to happiness.

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