Monday, December 3, 2018

Relying on Others - The Wisdom of Surrender

Relying on Others - The Wisdom of Surrender

Most of us take pride in ourselves on self-sufficiency. One’s ego resists acceptance of challenging situations fully as it brings up feelings of uselessness & vulnerability. However, at times when one faces such situations in which one has to rely on someone else, it is essential that we let go of our feeling that we should be able to do it all by ourselves. We should accept the help of others. The experience of needing others & allowing them to help us makes us realize that we are not on our own in the world and it enables us to be wiser. A deep feeling of gratitude emerges as we open to the human experience of being helped. We are only happy when we are full of gratitude.

Acceptance & surrender to own limitations & helplessness help us discover humility, gratitude & an understanding of human experience that enables us to be much more compassionate in the service to others when we are called upon to help.

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