Wednesday, September 19, 2018

A must Investment in Child care

A must Investment in Child care

Children are sensitive to the day to day interactions with peers, parents and teachers. They tend to believe what they are told. Criticism, Negative statements like finding faults in others or witnessing aggressive behavior develops a kind of behavior a child displays that needs correction. They ponder over it and then create their own opinion according to their judgment. It limits their ability to think and explore. Tolerating or inflicting trauma, poking fun at others physical traits/mannerism, facing or forcing isolation, mocking/spreading rumours about certain classmate that makes him/her uncomfortable are not normal, mischievous behavior of a child. Unchecked and taken lightly this type of behaviors nurture aggression/meekness in them, either of which is not good for a child to grow into a well behaved and well mannered adult.

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