Sunday, November 11, 2018

Parental dominance - must avoid it

Parental dominance and its effects.

Parent’s nagging too much over upkeep of his/her room, time spent on mobile or the friends he keeps and repeatedly preaching life’s lessons telling kids as what is good for them make them react violently. Chide a child with adjectives useless, pathetic, good for nothing fellow and invite impolite response. They rebel and react with brazenness to express defiance when feel humiliated. Disrespect is displayed by teenagers wanting their space in the form of rude behavior due to their annoyance. The heated exchange between parents and a defiant child in turn is awkward. Learn to ignore minor irritants and show basic respect to child irrespective of the age. Don’t counter their rude behavior in the same spirit instead leave and take time out. Realization afterwards works better with the kids. 

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