Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Wishing Happy & Prosperous new year 2020

Wishing Happy & Prosperous new year 2020

Enjoying one’s every day achievement, however small or big, is the mantra to live a happy life. Visualize the journey to reach your goal, take each step energetically & enthusiastically with an attitude of intention & excitement to remain motivated and focused. One’s determination & trust in self rather than apprehensions, fears and desperation drives & propels one on the calm & consistent path to a happy life.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Anger Management.. contact us..one of best Counselling clinic in Chandigarh India

One of the best Psychological solutions clinic in Chandigarh... Contact us at 9872880634

Anmol Singh Psychologist and Counsellor in Chandigarh India

The human preferences, the likes or dislikes, desiring for better conditions paves the way for new perspectives & improvement in life. The function of mind is to judge and make choices but when it is personalized to judge self and identified with, the individual ends up feeling confused & self-critical thus the suffering from mental disorders. Pre-occupation and obsession with thoughts of fear/negativity terrifies & develops into phobia. The ensuing discomfort, pressure & desperation makes one try to get back to comfort zone at any cost… including sacrificing long-term health, happiness & success. Mental disorders like depression & anxiety must not be more embarrassing than any other ailment. Identify, accept, admit and talk about the issue with support group/Psychologists/Counselors. Reinvent self, think more clearly, have positive outlook, let go the negativity, express your uniqueness through your desires/preferences & get your lives back on track. Living in the moment truly makes one live.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Facing break up??? Counselling helps...

If you are facing emotional turbulence,and supressingI inside j,like the pressure cooker , you need the whistle to blow to let the steam out because if you don't then the chances are there for the cooker to burst.  Whenever emotions are suppressed illnesses,  mental , physical or emotional are bound to come up . Nothing should remain contained,  they should have an outlet. Everything should be in unison, it should flow.
Our body is so beautifully designed that it knows how to hold on and how to let go and we have to pay heed to it. Dealing is healing and there are no two ways about it. I know I have a river to cross... I can either swim or take a ferry or wish that river wasn't there or simply choose to drown in it .

Self love…..is important

Self love…..is important

Loving self without feeling selfish & guilty, maintaining self respect, being honest & polite but assertive in one’s expression must be the way of life. Being humble and considerate does not mean to be apologetic. It is said one can never make others truly happy till one is happy himself/herself from within. Be true & honest in self, stretching one’s limits to please others generate undue expectations compelling one to go into depression at some point in life.  

Depression is not the disease of rich and it’s certainly not a disease of idle minds :. It’s a disease which when takes u in its clutches leaves u uncertain about everything.. No u can’t control it by going out for dinner , partying or even reading a book.. No u can’t control it by sleeping for hours or crying:.’ This can only be tackled with therapy , love and understanding and right medication and ppl around u who are empathetic towards ur condition :. It’s time we take Mental health seriously and it’s time for ppl to have compassion and understand towards ppl who go throw it... Contact us for Counselling session and therapy session. Contact us at 9872880634

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Anmol Singh Psychologist in Chandigarh India

Depression is not the disease of rich and it’s certainly not a disease of idle minds :.
It’s a disease which when takes u in its clutches leaves u uncertain about  everything.. No u can’t control it by going out for dinner , partying or even reading a book.. No u can’t control it by sleeping for hours or crying:.’
This can only be tackled with therapy , love and understanding and right medication and ppl around u who are empathetic towards ur condition :.

It’s time we take Mental health seriously and it’s time for ppl to have compassion and understand towards ppl who go throw it... Contact us for Counselling session and therapy session. Contact us at 9872880634

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Healthy friendly relationship……

Healthy friendly relationship……

Life is beautiful & purposeful when one is grounded, calm & composed, thinks and then reacts, goes with flow while the relationship struggle continues. One gets attracted to a personality but don’t try to copy others. Be self, patience, acceptance, transparency and trust in each other works towards developing a healthy friendly relationship to a stage when both of you are around each other, none of you needs anyone else. A relaxed and laid back partnership permits one to laugh, love, fight & make up, have fun, ignore and have serious conversations.    

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Impactful interaction/conversation is one that reflects courtesy, empathetic concern/consideration, care and is crucial for developing mutual rapport/strengthening relationship so listen attentively, disengage from distractions.  One’s way of living is an expression of the individual. Stay positive, express yourself and look for the highest purpose at everything you do.  Feel empowered as no one else can make you feel empowered. Confident inner self is a must for peace of mind.  Half the battle is lost when one feels undeserving.  

Like water choose your path to keep flowing….

Like water choose your path to keep flowing….

One grows up with certain desires/dreams. Life’s challenges experienced while coping up with one’s daily lives, at times results in set in of disillusions and undermines one’s confidence. One needs to draw a plan of actions (mental map), commit & involve self in the process to guide/direct self, minimize procrastination & avoid deviations from the chosen path for the accomplishment of one’s dreams. Prioritizing one’s actions that are in synch with one’s perspective of accomplishment inspires, renews and reaffirms one’s determination. Consistently work on the plan of ultimate importance without distractions, on the way doing something meaningful & different that influences life in a positive manner, for a stress free and joyous existence in reality.     

Monday, December 23, 2019

Keep marching on the chosen path….

Anmol Singh Psychologist and life Coach Chandigarh
Healthy and loving relationship is connecting of two minds & hearts, commitment, feeling secure, respecting the differences and valuing others freedom & independence.  Living an insular life punctuated with impatience, resentment, anger, soaring tempers, stress, sense of entitlement & expecting instant gratification, nonexistent support to process one’s emotions, culture of self over others without much regard for others are some of the factors responsible for an individual’s outbursts at the slightest of an excuse. The rage/aggression expressed derails the loving relationships over a period.  Compassion, care, laughing away the blues, happy thoughts and positive outlook brings in happiness the key to a healthy and secure relationship.

Sunday, December 22, 2019



Guilt, a negative emotion – a feeling of having wronged someone close, shakes one’s confidence and inner strength leading to losing peace of mind. In pursuit of career, ignoring someone close who were your strength during childhood and frequent arguments with someone you had deep emotional bond because of the difference in ways you think & live leaves one to regret his/her behavior. Spending time together, speaking as and when viable, non-interference in their way of life and avoiding unsolicited advice may result in a healthy and happy relationship thus allowing you to have fun & live a healthy & guilt less life. 

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Start day with positivity…

Start day with positivity…

Investing time and effort in your project needs physical and mental strength i.e a healthy mind and body in other words your state of mind. Parents and children have a special bond, their moods and emotions depict the harsh reality and are thought provoking but one should always endeavour to focus on positivity. Growing up must be a journey full of learning each day.  First thing in the morning one must do is exercise and keep self away from the clutter of information on social media to avoid unwarranted pressure. Respond positively to the beauty of people and nature around you to be happy and avoid getting hurt.        

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Psychological well being.

Psychological well being.

Life tests one’s limits every now and then through ups and downs. Change if does not happen is definitely disappointing. Everyone is different and makes different choices. Just dreaming is not enough it requires hard work to get success, don’t remain divorced from the issue. Everyone has the ability to master one’s own destiny, stay motivated and focused. Strike a balance between work and life, keep it simple and do take time out for self to stay alive while being there for family and friends.

Manage your feelings and strike a balance.

Manage your feelings and strike a balance.

Interactions/conversations must be a pleasant experience. Fear & anxiety/stress holds you back from making a realistic assessment of situation, a must for saving conversations/interactions from turning argumentative. Consideration and courtesy helps check your emotions from running wild in an emotionally charged situation. One must be assertive & firm while telling the other person when he/she is wrong but in a polite tone. Manage your emotion, be empathetic rather than ecstatic so that you don’t annoy the other person & spoil the mood.

Monday, December 16, 2019

To be relaxed, happy and peaceful……

To be relaxed, happy and peaceful……

Change the way you think to stimulate present and transform your dreams into reality to live stress free life. Take control of life and don’t wait for something special to happen to empower life. Ruminating over the past & worrying about the future rather than appreciating & being grateful to the beautiful & relaxing moment at present doesn’t let you to be in relaxed state of mind. Consistent & constant gratitude, thankfulness and compassion for every single moment of happiness experienced each day rather than focusing on dissatisfaction in everything one does brings in positivity and adds value to one’s life.     

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Anmol Singh Child psychologist in Chandigarh India

Stress in life......
How much needless stress are you carrying around right now?  Do you feel burdened by life's uncontrollable circumstances & your own emotional issues?

Stress remains a part of life and its degree increases as we grow. Experiencing palpitation, uneasiness, fatigue etc are the symptoms when you need to take note of it as it is when you start loosing focus. It starts taking over your body and mind. It becomes a hindrance in your path of a happy living. The company of certain individuals strongly impacts state of mind, emotions and life as a whole. His/her behavior, attitude, approach etc, whether you like it or not, have a reason so do not judge instead try to find the reason and work around it. Instead of avoiding, dragging on living with relationships that lead to emotional turmoil transform the situation to understand/introspect and face your own barriers, break them and grow. It will help you respond introspectively instead of predictable reactive mode. The most logical way is to keep interacting that will help you understand their thoughts, perceptions and belief thus keeps your negative emotions in check helping you work on possibilities and keep yourself in control of the situation.  Always remain motivated. Remain enthusiastic. Life is dynamic. Circumstances keep changing. Keeping your hobby alive and kicking is the best stress buster to reduce mental stress. Surround yourself with people full of enthusiasm and action.       

Becoming more grounded & happy starts with letting go of worry & stress. Counselling session helps you learn to have hold on your will power.  Contact m-9872880634

Child Psychologist in Chandigarh.. Contact us at..9872880634

Counselling helps children fight their lone battles....

The worry and pressures of competition among the peers and the stress of pleasing family adversely affects mental health of children. Their suppressed feelings of being responsible for the failure, rejection and the internal fight with these nagging thoughts result in emotional turmoil, depression and escapist tendencies driving them to the extent of suicides. They need to speak out openly, talk about their struggles, not to be apologetic, admit and accept the mistakes and seek help/support to overcome the mental imbalance. Acknowledge their need for professional counseling and do not let them suffer silently their terrible mental condition in isolation. The professionals help them deal and fight slowly and steadily towards mental fitness. Contact -9872880634

Friday, December 13, 2019

Counselling Clinic in Chandigarh

Emotions are not as hard as thoughts. So emotional person is soft and sensitive. You have to change yourself by changing your irrational thoughts and not your feelings.Feelings build bridges between two hearts .But it is hard to say what will happen when two heads come together. Head is the center of information.Have proper source to fill it.And never say
" I DON'T KNOW.I CANNOT ".These words are just to ignore the situation. 

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Manage your anger

Manage your anger

While being deeply in love with partner you may be dealing with lot of issues and unable to control anger bursts but feels embarrassed later. In case want to sort this pattern of yours let professional therapist make an assessment, identify the triggers and chart out a plan of action/goals to help you manage & address the issue. Initially the progress may be slow and may take time but the change does happen.

SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder

SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder 

It is onset of winter; experiencing mood swings, feeling less energetic & depressed. Feel like sleep longer, lethargic, sad, and irritable; do not fear but manage carefully & diligently the change in mind & mood to avoid consequences of hindrance in your day to day tasks leading to low productivity. Go for regular exercise, deep breathing, yoga, morning & evening walks, instead of drinks, smoking, excess tea & coffee opt for balanced diet, fresh fruit juices and seek professional help to overpower seasonal affective disorder (SAD).       

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Teenager Counselling Clinic in Chandigarh... Contact us at..09872880634

Anmol Singh Psychologist in Chandigarh India
Today’s fast paced competitive environment burdens an individual with multi-faceted responsibilities. The experience makes the person develop a point of view, opinions, fear of rejection, complaints, anger, distraction leading to his/her drift away from being connected. They need to be talked to and heard with respect, consideration, understanding of their point of view without letting the conversation getting argumentative.  A counselor makes a sincere effort to know what is going on in his/her life, feelings that are bothering reassuring the person of being understood of their point of view via patient listening with attention, appreciation and acknowledgement of their opinions helping the individual open up. Regular counselling sessions helps an individual live a balanced life.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Maintain a happy relationship?

Maintain a happy relationship?

Life is an emotional journey that influences one at personal level, lived positively, helps one grow into a loving human being who spreads happiness in a relationship. Change is always difficult proposition; it is scary, thrilling but lot of fun. Love, fight, share transparently to each other howsoever small or big the issue may be, adjust to small imperfections, spend maximum time together, be there for each other through thick and thin and do have a me time to understand the worthiness of the other & bring in freshness in your relationship.     

Monday, December 9, 2019

Anmol Singh , Psychologist and Life Coach Chandigarh India Importance of self worth Self worth is of paramount importance and crucial factor in tackling depression and anxiety. One creates a belief, over a period as one grows, about one’s identity and impression. Never compare self with others, neither seek gratification/approval nor opt for a false escape from reality. Focusing on one’s achievements howsoever little and celebrating them strengthens a positive belief about his/her self-worth. Spending time with people who inspire, motivate and respect gives a fillip to self-worth. Regularly introspect your emotions and behavior, try to get better than before and live up to your own expectations. Seek help from friends, family or professional. Contact for Counselling session at 9872880634

Anmol Singh Psychologist in Chandigarh India

PPsychological well being is affected due to the stress permeating into personal life because of lot of pressure experienced on account of one’s lifestyle thus adversely affecting interpersonal relationships. Adequate sleep, proper diet, regular exercise and owning a healthy social support system helps maintain mental health. One needs to set realistic doable goals, effectively manage time & prioritize one’s act to maintain a balance between societal demands and personal life. Leading a life trapped in vicious cycle of hectic & monotonous routine is depressive, reward yourself regular short vacations to de-stress, rejuvenate and refresh. Step back, introspect the reasons of turmoil, accept your limitations, commit & focus efforts on realistic doable & achievable short term goals and don’t let distractions de-motivate you.  Be realistic in self evaluation; avoid getting trapped in unrealistic high or optimistic expectations, keeping external factors that are not in your control in mind, to avoid experiencing chaos and confusion.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Consciously manage your negative thoughts cycle.

Consciously manage your negative thoughts cycle.

Like coin has two faces human being also is either optimist or pessimist. Pessimist’s negative and self defeating thoughts always make him/her fear negative outcomes losing conscious awareness of their own power thus getting engulfed in negative thought patterns that put him/her under constant worry & stress. Optimist’s positive attitude creates dynamic awareness of his/her inherent worry patterns resulting in adopting positive thoughts that helps them consciously control the negative thoughts thus halting them from getting into negative thought cycle. It is said "what one conceives & aspires Universe conspires to create the same outcome". Make a conscious effort to shift your negative thought energy vibrations to positive thought energy vibrations to reverse your negative patterns to enter into positive energy zone. Let go of the past, feel relaxed in present, trust in your own being & future, consider adverse situation temporary & look for solution to help you consciously manage your worry & stress.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Life is beautiful, live it to the fullest.

Life is beautiful, live it to the fullest.

It is important to be stress free, stay positive and not hold any grudges to stay in one’s mind. Remain connected to reality, trust your instincts, set target for self, challenge & push self to realize your vision. Ignore the displeasure & unsolicited advice expressed around you, be humble & cautious in ways while making sense of others, pause & reflect before arriving at conclusion, only one knows one’s problems and only he/she can deal with them. The situation and environment around you does influence one’s behavior. Pay attention only to your little achievements.

Counselling services in Chandigarh Contact 09872880634

Everything is connected to our mind. We do create our "hell" or "heaven" in our minds.
When we let go of judgements about ourselves, we open the door of serenity for ourselves.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Love is Divine.

Love is Divine.

Love is a sacred feeling felt between two individuals who are involved & invested. One’s positive attitude to never give up, sense of humour, loyalty and friendship does inspire the other.  Certain acts of ours, though unintentional, hurt other’s sentiments and generate unwarranted controversies but it is a part & parcel of our growing up. It is natural to get angry when other tries to tease or make unnecessary comments but one has to be introvert to discuss with self whatever good or bad things happened and gain strength.

Bullying and it's effects on Child... Bullying is an attempt, usually a systematic and ongoing one, to undermine and harm someone based on some perceived weakness. Although commonly associated with children, bullying can occur at any age. . A child who experiences mental or emotional health effects as a result of bullying may find it helpful to seek Counselling from Child pschychlogist and counselor .For appointment in Chandigarh contect at 9872880634.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Anmol Singh Psychologist in Chandigarh India

We help people move forward and set personal and professional goals that will give them the life they really want. Most of the clients are normal healthy people who might be a bit stuck or simply want to make a big change in their lives and want the support to come out from theirs emotional and psychological issues. At our centre we provide all psychological solutions under One roof. Contact us for appointment at 9872880634.

Panic attack.. Counselling session and therapy.. Contact us 09872880634...t

.A panic attack is the abrupt onset of intense fear or discomfort that reaches a peak within minutes and includes at least four of the following symptoms:

Palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate
Trembling or shaking
Sensations of shortness of breath or smothering
Feelings of choking
Chest pain or discomfort
Nausea or abdominal distress
Feeling dizzy, unsteady, light-headed, or faint
Chills or heat sensations
Paresthesia (numbness or tingling sensations)
Derealization (feelings of unreality) or depersonalization .
Fear of losing control or “going crazy”
Fear of dying
Some people experience what is referred to as limited-symptom panic attacks, which are similar to full-blown panic attacks but consist of fewer than four symptoms.

Although anxiety is often accompanied by physical symptoms, such as a racing heart. Panic attacks typically reach their peak level of intensity in 10 minutes or less and then begin to subside. Due to the intensity of the symptoms and their tendency to mimic those of heart disease, breathing disorders.People with panic disorder often make many visits to emergency rooms  convinced they have a life-threatening issue.
Panic attacks can occur unexpectedly during calm state or in an anxious state. Content us for Therapy session and Counselling in Chandigarh. Contact  at 9872880634.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Facing emotional turmoil – Counseling helps- Contact 9872880634

Facing emotional turmoil – Counseling helps- Contact 9872880634

Plunge into and overcome your fears. One who battles with one’s emotions but presents a happy go lucky face is sad, unhappy deep down and seeks solace in alcohol, drugs etc. One’s emotions are directly proportionate to the one’s internal wellness i.e a harmonious relationship between inner self and outer world. An optimum internal wellness is achieved via living a balanced life by integrating one’s mind, body and spirit. The behavior & actions must be directed towards pursuit of one’s physical & mental health, positive interactions with society, spending me time in solitude for inner dialogue to understand & get a deeper sense for relaxation & rejuvenation, addressing the issues that need more attention, acknowledging & expressing the feelings of anger, fear, sadness regularly to let go the negative emotions. It is challenging but is a must for living a happy, healthy and meaningful life.     

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Body cell talking and healing inner child, tissue cells... Contact us for therapy session in Chandigarh...09872880634

Here we worked on insights that came directly from the organ,  what it looked it, how it felt, how it was functioning,  what all it needed and required out of me/us .. Every organ needs to be seen , to be listened to , to be spoken to and how we can work on the malfunctions of our clients . We work on the blueprint so that we can reinvigorate and revitalize the organ .
 Our inner
 children hide in the organs , sometimes there are attachments or even extraterrestrial beings in the organ. So beautifully we were led through the different exercises.
 In the blueprint exercises , the organs are a being by itself.  They talk to you and have a story to tell . In   Please remember it's the liver that produces cholesterol but it's the LDL or bad cholesterol that's responsible for heart issues , and it is this naughty boy that causes plaque in the arteries and poses a problem in the smooth flow of blood .

Facing failures-Counselling helps

Success and failure are part and parcel of life as one wades through ups and downs. Failures & setbacks must not bog one down and make him/her restless. Surviving the failure is the need of the hour. Remain strong, confident, relaxed and patient to put up a fight to the unfavorable & adverse conditions. Invest in yourself, choose a goal and set your mind on it, work hard with the belief nobody is going to stop you from achieving goal. Reality is never hidden as such one cannot stop comparisons as such comments that are not vindictive or negative must be respected.  Share your life experiences with family members & support group. Both as a parent and as a child one must share meals and play time with one’s kids and parents respectively to live a sane and balanced life.

Depression kills and the only solution according to me is to talk to someone who will never judge. Book your Counselling session.. For appointment call at 09872880634

Friday, November 29, 2019

Anmol Singh Child psychologist in Chandigarh India

Happily engaged child...

Spare & spend time, value his/her existence & show you care, to have an everlasting bond with your child. Discuss together and encourage child to come out with ideas/ways to make his/her learning a fun process to achieve set goal. Regularly acknowledge and recognize his/her efforts via a simple pat on the back/reward to keep the child motivated and happily engaged in learning. Make him understand that his/her evaluation is not to scare him/her but to appreciate his/her initiative. Evaluations are undertaken to communicate & validate he/she is on the right path of learning process and is happily engaged child. In the process he/she will voluntarily make extra efforts to train & develop for his/her growth.  If you need Counselling session for your child, Contact Anmol Singh, Child Psychologist in Chandigarh.. Contact at 9872880634

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Increased social media use-adverse effects.

Increased social media use by adolescents exposes them to varying situations that frequently trigger emotions which generates a feeling of either happiness, excitement & joy or sadness aggression & hysterical. The situation that makes one sad & aggressive compels him/her to over analyze the situation putting him/her under unwarranted pressure thus one losing composure. The internal strain generated due to the feeling of one’s reputation at stake sets in anxiety. Actually it is not the situation but one’s inability to handle the situation that causes anxiety which in turn clouds one’s logical thinking. In such an adverse situation one need not be apologetic, take criticism in right spirit, neither being too emotional nor too controlled and remain courteous and considerate to self.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Examination Stress... Anmol Singh Psychologist in Chandigarh India

Examination stress... Counselling helps.... Anmol Singh Psychologist in Chandigarh Contact us at..9872880634

Each one of us experience examination stress but the level/degree is what matters. In order to keep it at the lowest, start and prepare from the day one, do not procrastinate. Schedule a subject wise study plan while remaining realistic about how much you can study each day. Concentrating for hours is very difficult, take a short break when your mind starts wandering. Every morning when you get up visualize how you would like to stay calm and confident, remain motivated for effective study. Still feel pressure, open up to a family member or a friend or a professional.

Put in your best efforts because mediocre efforts give mediocre results. Limit your digital media exposure (television, computer, mobile etc) for a better chance of success. Silence is golden as it provides ‘me’ time for introspection that lets one learn invaluable life’s lessons hence do spend some time by self all alone in solitude. Strongly visualize the positive outcomes of your long term dreams to remain motivated.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Re-Birthing session helps in Utrine Disorders... Contact us at..09872880634

is the first home  of the foetus , a home in his mother's womb for 9 months. Diseases in the uterus or uterine disorders are -  fibroids , cancer ,infection,  tumour or  endometriosis.  In some cases the uterus drops obstructing the vagina. In endometriosis ,the lining of the uterus becomes thick and when the body throws out the  surplus cells from the lining or the edometrium, these get planted outside the uterus, ...onto the  ovaries, the bladder, the  bowel, the rectum, leading to painful periods, long periods low back pain ..I'm not going into the medical implications  rather into the metaphysical part
.  All uterine disorders are related to reception and sheltering because that's what the uterus is about...it's a HOME, an environment . How will the baby be received in the womb, how will it be sheltered there !!!Will it be loved , cared for ,and wanted !!!. Infertility issues may relate to fears ..you want a child but fear becomes a contraceptive . Somewhere you are harbouring some kind of regret or restraint that's coming from a past or a past life that this particular baby will not be taken care of properly. There's a guilt also involved..a guilt that you're not creating a proper home for those you love. The uterus will not be ready to receive the baby. The baby' s kundli and that of it home/ uterus doesn't match. Like we say..it's not a good Vastu.
Uterine disorders whether fibroids, cancer, endometriosis are signals that you need to deal with FEAR regarding New beginnings. It could be related to a child, a new project or business. You have to take the call.. -  face it or run away. You're in charge of your life , no one else is. How important are your decisions , only you know!! It's also about not acting superfluously. Being in charge means being responsible ,Being able to nurture it, harbour it, nourish it , giving  value to it, giving a good health to it . Can you do  that ask yourself !!!
Incase you can't,  Acknowledge your limitations , instead of saying " I can't do it" or " it's beyond me" or " I can't conceive of that ".
In endometriosis,  when the old cells or lining start thickening and gets added to other organs of your body , all its  saying is let go, drop the old , be ready for new. When we hold on to the dead energy ,we'll have fibroids, when we refuse to shed the old we'll have endometriosis,  when we stay infected with the old ideas and thoughts we'll have infections , when we refuse the new we'll be inviting cancer..all in the uterus. It's also telling you ...GET YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER , your life in your home , with your family !!!
Disorders in the uterus is about dropping your fear and moving ahead. Uterus is the first home of the baby so ensure it gets a squeaky clean environment, physically and emotionally both. Our fears, dead ideas and thoughts turn into diseases. You have to determine whether your fears are justified or not. Take up the challenge in life instead of repressing it. What you repress will definitely depress ... As in the mind , so in the body .

Counselling for High and Low blood pressure... Contact us at. 0872880634

 pressure , whether high or low is a major health issue with many of us. In fact a  lot of people talk of high BP and  stress being the reason behind it . Metaphysically speaking ,there's a different aspect to it .
Blood symbolizes life..the juice of life and blood pressure is all about the dynamism of an individual.  High BP  or hypertension , is also called hypertonia . BP can rise not only by hyper physical activity but also by hyper thinking. The pressure rises whenever you touch the conflict areas of your life ..literally it is when the pressure begins to rise in your life or whenever you're under pressure or when you relive your emotional issues from the past . When you relive,  you allow the wounds to fester again. We live in the past when we rewind to a situation and think:  why one did this to me!! ! why did he say that !! He shouldn't have done this !!....A lot of this activity comes when you place too much importance to other people's needs thereby building pressure inside you. People with high BP stand next to the conflict but have " difficulty addressing it". These people many a times get into the explanation of ' busy- ness' of life. They just avoid the impending conflict. They constantly talk of overactivity and exaggerated dynamism . You'll find high BP  mostly in men  visavis low BP in women . High BP is about frustrated aggression or aggression that doesn't reach its destination and gets lost somewhere. When conflicts get stuck at the conceptual level and do not get transformed into action , this unresolved energy turns into high BP. This aggressive impulse which doesn't get out raises the pressure and the self restraint on the other hand leads to the contraction of the blood vessels. This counter pressure leads to high BP.  Many a times this controlled aggression leads to a heart attack or problems with the kidneys , eyes and brains. Please remember,  you are not responsible for somebody's happiness howsoever you might love him/ her . Make an attempt to reclaim the joy of life for yourself.
On the other hand, low BP or hypotonia is all about failing to challenge our limits. People who suffer from  this feel easily discouraged and tend to feel defeated even before they start. It's a doomed from the start attitude.  We tend to duck  situations adding every resistance and many a times withdraw from a conflict. In this same way blood also withdraws right upto to the fact that a person loses consciousness and may faint. These people withdraw themselves and their conciousness from responsibilities.  If high BP is about toning aggression then low BP is about withdrawing themselves from problems. Low BP people feel faint and feel better with sweets or smelling salts. Low BP people cannot keep keep pace with situations while high BP patients seek refuge in being busy. For sufferers of low BP work with a concrete plan .  Both have a problem with the " juice of life". Low BP lack up- stand- ingness ie they lack the strength to face challenge.
Blood feeds your body  ,  it is  how you feed your life . It's about you..how you accept life  , what conflicts you want to deal with, what are your inner challenges, what's your inner symphony like. It's about your own abilities , your flow, your power to bear and dare.
Life is all about aspiring and perspiring. If you don't get it or make it , heaven won't fall.Simply, work on your blocks and limitations. Sometimes you need to change and sometimes the goal needs to change.  Don't fester and pester yourself. Allow yourself to be in the flow just like the blood . Blood is about the juice of life so bring it in with verve and enthusiasm.

Counselling for Stress.. Contact us at..9872880634

Most of us are busy focusing on the problem than the solution. It’s easy to get the mind to move there because stress and anxiety and fear always  push us towards the problem.  . Fear pushes us towards the worst scenario prompting us to go deeper and deeper into tension.  Whenever we are fearful our mind stops being rational because we’re in the fight or flight mode .Stressful situations arise when we’re either in the past or the future . In the past there’s regret or hurt and in the future there’s anxiety or fear . In both these situations you’re focusing on the problem and ofcourse there’s no solution when problem and solution  go hand in hand . One thrives at the cost of the other but we need to break the deadlock. Put your focus on the solution if you want to finish the deadlock within yourself. Anything that you focus on gives the result. Consciously put your mind on the answer and not the question.
To arrive at a solution you have to remain in the present  and the more you’re in the present ,the more aware you will be and also more Concious . Being in the present means you’re attentive, you’re focused , you’re in total coordination. The more you’re in the past or the future , the greater the foreplay with emotions and emotions mar your sensibilities. The more emotional you’re , the more scattered you are and consequently you can never arrive at a solution . It’s actually a self sabotage situation. We’re conspiring against ourselves and no wonder we are problem fixated and not solution .
Whenever we are stressed we are on survival mode , the typical Root chakra instinct , the Fight  or Flight mode, to do or die mode. Whenever we’re in this mode, The heart will beat faster, the pupils will dilate, the mouth will become dry, the voice will become hoarse, and many a times the gut will wrench with an urge to pass stool. The body takes time to come to a homeostasis. The greater the period of stress , the greater the damage to a body organ . The more we analyse ( a problem) , the more we’ll paralyse ourselves  because we will assume the worst , hence the scenario of do or die . The thoughts are highly phobic and responses consequently are very emotional. The more we’re tied to the emotions , the more drastic will be the consequence. Again when we THINK of consequences we are in the FUTURE ie we’re only presuming, living something that has not had happened.  Emotions are also based on past experiences because we may have experienced pain at some point in time,  the reminiscences of which still traumatise us.
The solution to any problem requires maintaining calmness and that can only come when we shun the past happenings and the future expectations. Both are the key to problems and not the solution. It’s good to plan , there’s nothing wrong in that but it not good to stress on it . Things sometimes do not happen the way we plan and that doesn’t mean that all hell should break loose . Life is all about learning, about understanding.. it’s not a battle that we have to win. Live in the present, in the NOW. The more you’re in the now the more you’re at ease . Tension kills .. blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes, headaches and migraines, cancer are all the consequences of living in the past or the future . The best way to get out of this is to MEDITATE because it helps to still the chatter in your mind. 

Friday, November 22, 2019

Life style is hampering psychological well being

Psychological well being is affected due to the stress permeating into personal life because of lot of pressure experienced on account of one’s lifestyle thus adversely affecting interpersonal relationships. Adequate sleep, proper diet, regular exercise and owning a healthy social support system helps maintain mental health. One needs to set realistic doable goals, effectively manage time & prioritize one’s act to maintain a balance between societal demands and personal life. Leading a life trapped in vicious cycle of hectic & monotonous routine is depressive, reward yourself regular short vacations to de-stress, rejuvenate and refresh. Step back, introspect the reasons of turmoil, accept your limitations, commit & focus efforts on realistic doable & achievable short term goals and don’t let distractions de-motivate you.  Be realistic in self evaluation; avoid getting trapped in unrealistic high or optimistic expectations, keeping external factors that are not in your control in mind, to avoid experiencing chaos and confusion.     

Sunday, November 17, 2019

How do you conduct your self in life ?

Worrying is lack of faith in one’s abilities leading to living in fear, a self created misery. Self confidence helps one win over the unwarranted fear. Awareness & acceptance of one’s inherent weakness helps a self confident person work towards overcoming these weaknesses.  One’s attitude with respect to self image – if it is negative creates negative thoughts pushing one towards negative outcome whereas if it positive it shall create positive thoughts resulting in positive reality because the energy one generates from within changes the circumstances. Expecting the best from oneself keeping the self pity at an arm’s length, visualizing the best scenario, working on new ways to deal with emotions while valuing one’s life, positive affirmations to be happy at all times is the way one must conduct in life.           

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Counselling for Depression and Stress...9872880634

You find someone very close/loved one feeling low or stressed, it’s time to extend support. Be concerned and initiate conversation to enable person evaluate his/her life, experiences, abilities, be aware about self, express feelings and vent out pent-up emotions to help lighten the burden.  Listen, do not judge, express genuine concern, provide emotional support with empathy & understanding to help cope in a better way with his/her feeling of  helplessness & hopelessness Encourage the person to seek timely professional help for a healthy and happy future.  

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Bi Polar Disorder....

. In medical terms it refers to mood swings where you oscillate between high and low. It’s also called manic depression . Let’s leave this and dwell on bipolar , metaphysically. Have you seen there are people who are doing extremely well , the higher ones , but don’t like to talk about it lest “ kissi ki buri nazar na lag jaye”. When you ask them about work , They’ll say “ things are ok”, “ bas kaam chal  raha hai “.. they’re scared about your evil eyes . They don’t like to disclose anything . The other lot or the not so higher lot portray that things are going great guns, or things are hunky dori , or they’re having a ball of a time ..just to show it to the people that things are great at home front and work place. which has lost its identity of being natural , which lives on lies and feeds on deception.

Couple Counselling

Couple Counselling

A healthy relationship to live happily side by side depends on the degree of commitment between partners. The reality of life is two individuals join together because of similarities but unfortunately start focusing on the differences once commit to each other.  The understanding & compromises necessitated due to different temperaments, irrespective of the deep love & devotion for each other, adversely affects the commitment for each other. The fear of repeat of hurt due to inadvertent mistakes of partner, insecurity on account of developing thought of loss of identity while conforming to partner’s expectations, intolerance exhibited towards one’s behavior, misplaced priorities & absence of affection, attachment & appreciation by partner, experiencing humiliation, insult or bullying by partner results in emotional pain & disruption in trust that over the time lessens the commitment in a healthy relationship. The counseling session with a therapist helps the individual understand his/her thought process and anxiety associated with it to rebuild the broken trust in order to overcome the trust deficit between partners.