Sunday, December 8, 2019

Consciously manage your negative thoughts cycle.

Consciously manage your negative thoughts cycle.

Like coin has two faces human being also is either optimist or pessimist. Pessimist’s negative and self defeating thoughts always make him/her fear negative outcomes losing conscious awareness of their own power thus getting engulfed in negative thought patterns that put him/her under constant worry & stress. Optimist’s positive attitude creates dynamic awareness of his/her inherent worry patterns resulting in adopting positive thoughts that helps them consciously control the negative thoughts thus halting them from getting into negative thought cycle. It is said "what one conceives & aspires Universe conspires to create the same outcome". Make a conscious effort to shift your negative thought energy vibrations to positive thought energy vibrations to reverse your negative patterns to enter into positive energy zone. Let go of the past, feel relaxed in present, trust in your own being & future, consider adverse situation temporary & look for solution to help you consciously manage your worry & stress.

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