Monday, December 9, 2019

Anmol Singh Psychologist in Chandigarh India

PPsychological well being is affected due to the stress permeating into personal life because of lot of pressure experienced on account of one’s lifestyle thus adversely affecting interpersonal relationships. Adequate sleep, proper diet, regular exercise and owning a healthy social support system helps maintain mental health. One needs to set realistic doable goals, effectively manage time & prioritize one’s act to maintain a balance between societal demands and personal life. Leading a life trapped in vicious cycle of hectic & monotonous routine is depressive, reward yourself regular short vacations to de-stress, rejuvenate and refresh. Step back, introspect the reasons of turmoil, accept your limitations, commit & focus efforts on realistic doable & achievable short term goals and don’t let distractions de-motivate you.  Be realistic in self evaluation; avoid getting trapped in unrealistic high or optimistic expectations, keeping external factors that are not in your control in mind, to avoid experiencing chaos and confusion.

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