Monday, November 25, 2019

Counselling for Stress.. Contact us at..9872880634

Most of us are busy focusing on the problem than the solution. It’s easy to get the mind to move there because stress and anxiety and fear always  push us towards the problem.  . Fear pushes us towards the worst scenario prompting us to go deeper and deeper into tension.  Whenever we are fearful our mind stops being rational because we’re in the fight or flight mode .Stressful situations arise when we’re either in the past or the future . In the past there’s regret or hurt and in the future there’s anxiety or fear . In both these situations you’re focusing on the problem and ofcourse there’s no solution when problem and solution  go hand in hand . One thrives at the cost of the other but we need to break the deadlock. Put your focus on the solution if you want to finish the deadlock within yourself. Anything that you focus on gives the result. Consciously put your mind on the answer and not the question.
To arrive at a solution you have to remain in the present  and the more you’re in the present ,the more aware you will be and also more Concious . Being in the present means you’re attentive, you’re focused , you’re in total coordination. The more you’re in the past or the future , the greater the foreplay with emotions and emotions mar your sensibilities. The more emotional you’re , the more scattered you are and consequently you can never arrive at a solution . It’s actually a self sabotage situation. We’re conspiring against ourselves and no wonder we are problem fixated and not solution .
Whenever we are stressed we are on survival mode , the typical Root chakra instinct , the Fight  or Flight mode, to do or die mode. Whenever we’re in this mode, The heart will beat faster, the pupils will dilate, the mouth will become dry, the voice will become hoarse, and many a times the gut will wrench with an urge to pass stool. The body takes time to come to a homeostasis. The greater the period of stress , the greater the damage to a body organ . The more we analyse ( a problem) , the more we’ll paralyse ourselves  because we will assume the worst , hence the scenario of do or die . The thoughts are highly phobic and responses consequently are very emotional. The more we’re tied to the emotions , the more drastic will be the consequence. Again when we THINK of consequences we are in the FUTURE ie we’re only presuming, living something that has not had happened.  Emotions are also based on past experiences because we may have experienced pain at some point in time,  the reminiscences of which still traumatise us.
The solution to any problem requires maintaining calmness and that can only come when we shun the past happenings and the future expectations. Both are the key to problems and not the solution. It’s good to plan , there’s nothing wrong in that but it not good to stress on it . Things sometimes do not happen the way we plan and that doesn’t mean that all hell should break loose . Life is all about learning, about understanding.. it’s not a battle that we have to win. Live in the present, in the NOW. The more you’re in the now the more you’re at ease . Tension kills .. blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes, headaches and migraines, cancer are all the consequences of living in the past or the future . The best way to get out of this is to MEDITATE because it helps to still the chatter in your mind. 

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