Sunday, November 10, 2019

Couple Counselling

Couple Counselling

A healthy relationship to live happily side by side depends on the degree of commitment between partners. The reality of life is two individuals join together because of similarities but unfortunately start focusing on the differences once commit to each other.  The understanding & compromises necessitated due to different temperaments, irrespective of the deep love & devotion for each other, adversely affects the commitment for each other. The fear of repeat of hurt due to inadvertent mistakes of partner, insecurity on account of developing thought of loss of identity while conforming to partner’s expectations, intolerance exhibited towards one’s behavior, misplaced priorities & absence of affection, attachment & appreciation by partner, experiencing humiliation, insult or bullying by partner results in emotional pain & disruption in trust that over the time lessens the commitment in a healthy relationship. The counseling session with a therapist helps the individual understand his/her thought process and anxiety associated with it to rebuild the broken trust in order to overcome the trust deficit between partners.     

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