Monday, November 25, 2019

Counselling for High and Low blood pressure... Contact us at. 0872880634

 pressure , whether high or low is a major health issue with many of us. In fact a  lot of people talk of high BP and  stress being the reason behind it . Metaphysically speaking ,there's a different aspect to it .
Blood symbolizes life..the juice of life and blood pressure is all about the dynamism of an individual.  High BP  or hypertension , is also called hypertonia . BP can rise not only by hyper physical activity but also by hyper thinking. The pressure rises whenever you touch the conflict areas of your life ..literally it is when the pressure begins to rise in your life or whenever you're under pressure or when you relive your emotional issues from the past . When you relive,  you allow the wounds to fester again. We live in the past when we rewind to a situation and think:  why one did this to me!! ! why did he say that !! He shouldn't have done this !!....A lot of this activity comes when you place too much importance to other people's needs thereby building pressure inside you. People with high BP stand next to the conflict but have " difficulty addressing it". These people many a times get into the explanation of ' busy- ness' of life. They just avoid the impending conflict. They constantly talk of overactivity and exaggerated dynamism . You'll find high BP  mostly in men  visavis low BP in women . High BP is about frustrated aggression or aggression that doesn't reach its destination and gets lost somewhere. When conflicts get stuck at the conceptual level and do not get transformed into action , this unresolved energy turns into high BP. This aggressive impulse which doesn't get out raises the pressure and the self restraint on the other hand leads to the contraction of the blood vessels. This counter pressure leads to high BP.  Many a times this controlled aggression leads to a heart attack or problems with the kidneys , eyes and brains. Please remember,  you are not responsible for somebody's happiness howsoever you might love him/ her . Make an attempt to reclaim the joy of life for yourself.
On the other hand, low BP or hypotonia is all about failing to challenge our limits. People who suffer from  this feel easily discouraged and tend to feel defeated even before they start. It's a doomed from the start attitude.  We tend to duck  situations adding every resistance and many a times withdraw from a conflict. In this same way blood also withdraws right upto to the fact that a person loses consciousness and may faint. These people withdraw themselves and their conciousness from responsibilities.  If high BP is about toning aggression then low BP is about withdrawing themselves from problems. Low BP people feel faint and feel better with sweets or smelling salts. Low BP people cannot keep keep pace with situations while high BP patients seek refuge in being busy. For sufferers of low BP work with a concrete plan .  Both have a problem with the " juice of life". Low BP lack up- stand- ingness ie they lack the strength to face challenge.
Blood feeds your body  ,  it is  how you feed your life . It's about you accept life  , what conflicts you want to deal with, what are your inner challenges, what's your inner symphony like. It's about your own abilities , your flow, your power to bear and dare.
Life is all about aspiring and perspiring. If you don't get it or make it , heaven won't fall.Simply, work on your blocks and limitations. Sometimes you need to change and sometimes the goal needs to change.  Don't fester and pester yourself. Allow yourself to be in the flow just like the blood . Blood is about the juice of life so bring it in with verve and enthusiasm.

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