Saturday, November 30, 2019

Body cell talking and healing inner child, tissue cells... Contact us for therapy session in Chandigarh...09872880634

Here we worked on insights that came directly from the organ,  what it looked it, how it felt, how it was functioning,  what all it needed and required out of me/us .. Every organ needs to be seen , to be listened to , to be spoken to and how we can work on the malfunctions of our clients . We work on the blueprint so that we can reinvigorate and revitalize the organ .
 Our inner
 children hide in the organs , sometimes there are attachments or even extraterrestrial beings in the organ. So beautifully we were led through the different exercises.
 In the blueprint exercises , the organs are a being by itself.  They talk to you and have a story to tell . In   Please remember it's the liver that produces cholesterol but it's the LDL or bad cholesterol that's responsible for heart issues , and it is this naughty boy that causes plaque in the arteries and poses a problem in the smooth flow of blood .

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