Thursday, July 2, 2020

Psy talk…Anmol Singh
Relationship is emerging a major concern for people in today’s modern society. Some find it beautiful and generate positivity from it, whereas some other, the miscreants, exploit and defame its originality. A coin has two equal sides and none of it is the same. Individual differences will always be there. Relationship is a sensitive topic to deal with. Some might want to agree, adapt and bring change in life, while others ignore and continue with their stubborn approach. It is sad that not many understand & feel the depth of it. Mostly are not even clear about it. Some are forced to have a relation under peer pressure. Many don’t bother to take it seriously. They take it very lightly and cannot deal with the burden of having one. Only a handful few know its importance and appreciate the efforts to maintain it. There are still pure and pious souls who value it and give it an altogether different meaning. Everyone has their own point of view to advice on relationship issues. As individuals it is our moral right to protect and preserve the significance of a relationship. Let it be a natural phenomenon. We need to restore faith in love, compassion and sincerity. Relationship is and will always be guided by your heart, however you feel about it. It is in your hands to channelize it towards a meaningful path. Let it grow with time. Take good experiences with you. Make memories. Do not rush into the future. You can never be sure of what’s going to happen. If you’re well aware of the consequences, never feel disheartened, because everything happens for a reason. Remember, matches are made in heaven? We cannot argue with destiny, but we can make our own fate.

---to be contd.

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