Sunday, July 5, 2020

Psy talk contd.....

It is essential for you to know what exactly you want. A kind of love, mutual respect, understanding & meeting of minds is what makes relationship last.  Partners must be able to communicate their deepest fears without being judged.   Love yourself first. Let us state out some reasons of why relationship don’t work out. We can basically call them ‘’killers of a relation”. Taking each other for granted and absence of appreciation for each other rather than adapting to the evolving relationship erodes the bond. Laziness kills a relation. Of course no one would like to be with a person who is lethargic. Not being loyal to your partner kills a relation. You’re playing with someone’s faith in you. If either of the partners is disloyal and you can see the signs, leave immediately, don’t linger on and give second chance. They don’t deserve it. Save yourself. One, who wants to be with you, will be with you, no matter what. Don’t trust blindly. Carefully examine everything. Suspicion is another reason. Examining does not mean interfering in private space. When in relationship, have faith if the person is loyal and honest. Your uncalled doubts should not be in excess. Lack of mutual respect for each other does not hold up a relationship. It is doomed to go down. It is simple. You have to be supportive of whatever has or will happen. Giving due respect is priority. Accept the way your partner is. Don’t look for gold every time. Unnecessary arguments/conflicts mainly because of poor communication skills/understanding, inability to express feelings, showing pseudo superiority, and combative voice tone do not work in favour of a relationship.  Why, because you’re too adamant and have an egoistic attitude. Sadly to say, you are not the right person. Every form of infidelity whether be it financial, emotional, psychological, material can lead to a spoil in the relation. Being a liar or over possessiveness, easily destroys the bond. Be true in every aspect. Understand each other. Grow together. Constant nagging by either of the partner, male dominance or female advocacy, kills relationship. Infuriated anger, being insensitive and non-emotional are other factors. Why even to cling on to people who show this kind of behaviour. They are certainly not humane. As a person you should be keen in observing this kind of things happening around. Love is blind, they say because you are not able to see a clear picture. People are often afraid to break up steadily or speak up against something. Change it. No one owns you. It is you before them. If you can’t be happy together, then why be together. Maintain self-respect, your life holds a value. One should honour it. Be out of a toxic relation as soon as possible. Don’t give into your feelings. Analyse it. People also say to give second chance. But do you really think you should? You may if the person has decided to change willingly, otherwise strictly No.  Lack of determination, hate speeches, abuse, cheating are also a major cause for break up. Excessive use of social media can be a reason for break up. See people have issues. No one is perfect. But it is upon you, what do you want Happiness or sadness.

to be contd.......

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