Friday, July 31, 2020

Conscious Decision

Conscious Decision 


Generally our decisions about life are made by default and we do what most of the people known to us are doing. Normally many options are available to us but we don’t explore them and take conscious decisions. The choices made may also be under pressure by family, peers & society/community at large. But it is important that we ourselves determine what’s right for us and what to do with our lives. It is your life. Take your own decisions. Your divergent choice may threaten those close to you. Parents & grandparents may get confused & defensive, friends may feel abandoned. Losing their support and a feeling of being misunderstood may frustrate you but explaining your point of view & reasons with gentleness, openness, and tolerance remaining calm, persistent & consistent and clear in communication shall win back those who truly love you. They will stand by & support your choices. 

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