Thursday, July 16, 2020

Negative Control And Domination In Relationships In a lot many of the different types of relationships we find ourselves in, may they be our personal relationships or at the workplace, we sometimes feel ourselves to be in a position where we feel we are being dominated & controlled negatively by the opposite person. A very common example of the above negative energy, in personal & non-personal relationships, is when someone gets angry with you & manages to make you react & get upset, they mange to dominate you. Over a period of time they start realizing that they possess an invisible & powerful remote control, using which, whenever they want to control you, what they should do is to get angry with you & that way they will achieve the desired control. Their anger becomes a remote control. When you react you are allowing this control or allowing the other's remote control to work. It is you that chooses to allow yourself to be influenced & dominated. It is important for us to realize that we can choose & take the decision to allow ourselves to be controlled & dominated, or we can choose to express what we feel without being affected by the reaction of the other & still maintaining our love, respect & good wishes for the other.

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