Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Psy talk contd...

Remember your dignity is sacrosanct and you are in charge of your life wherever you want to take it. You have to think what is good & beneficial for you and your mental health. Happiness is the key. Never nurture regrets in life as it makes you a coward. If you can learn to accept your past and move on for a better life, you shall always remain happy and contented. It is important to be supportive to self and improve upon your way of thinking. If we share our hardships with our support group, we receive encouragement from others that can help us re-focus on our strengths, courage and perseverance to develop innate genius & realise full potential. Believe in yourself that you can do it. You can take control of your life by proper management of thoughts, tolerate and celebrate dissent.  See the good in you. The decisions of your life lie in your hands. By being positive you help yourself, your people and the society around you. Attract positive energy and reflect kind emotions. The sense of affinity and empathy for others expressed are the values that make the world a better place.

There are numerous ways to make yourself positive i.e. set goals, plan out daily schedule and work towards them taking smaller steps to success, change your perception, work upon the spoken language & ignore negative talks, don’t be harsh to your emotions but understand them, adopt a helpful nature, practice gratitude & random acts of kindness, exercise regularly, eat healthy, listen to music that calms your mind, meditate, maintain positive environment, involve in outdoor activities, keep smiling every day and encourage others to do so. Life is beautiful if we remain positive and look for brighter optimistic ways to have a rejoiceful and fruitful living. There is no harm in taking control of your life. It makes you feel proud, increases self-esteem, helps in better reasoning of things and lifts up your morale to another level. So make way for thankfulness.

to be contd....

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