Saturday, July 25, 2020

Psy talk contd.....

As a psychologist I am here to discuss issues which are unheard of, “The unspoken truth in the current scenario”. You might be wondering, why am I even discussing the advantages and explaining about social media, everybody knows that right?, but I wanted to share it because I didn’t want my readers to think that my viewpoint and approach is prejudiced and altogether towards the negative side. In fact I wholeheartedly support the use of networking and how it has helped in shaping our attitude, interest, aptitude, mind, work, recreation and of course revolutionized our freedom of speech. I don’t beg to differ from, but I use this, my voice, to make sure that you understand from the psychological point, regardless of it’s being great invention.

Now the time for some reality check. Social media is undoubtedly a huge distraction. Most of the students suffer from this. Getting distracted is very easy unlike gaining focus. Whether a new video going viral or a text from a friend, or just random scrolling your mobile screen creates loss of focus and one can lose track of time. It diverts your mind from doing whatever you were doing. Slowly with course of time, it becomes an addiction. You feel the need to be busy with your phone. It’s all a beautiful illusion for you. Your mind responds to the beep or vibration, acting as stimuli, of your device. A spectrum of another dimension originates. What are you missing? The current time in your hands wasted & going down the drain thus missing your work. Your very existence is merely subjected to what’s happening in your social media. The gadget in your hands becomes your partner and making your mind blank without informing. Students tend to forget their task at hand and thus facing constant nagging from parents. We see extremity when you don’t want to reflect on what you’re doing. There is no right or wrong for you, just pure leisure in ignoring the real world.

Imagine a family of four and everybody is just busy with their cell phones, would you call that a family? These types of families forget the real meaning of bonding and spending valuable time together, they forget what togetherness is. It creates barriers for love, belongingness, compassion, empathy. I’m sure no one would like that unless you think otherwise. 

to be contd.....

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