Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Psy talk contd......

As the person you’re talking to isn’t in front of you, social media also gives you a license to criticize or be hurtful towards others. This makes a lot of difference in expressing your resentment over some issue or even justifies your point. It may give you time to think clearly, type and send your message while increasing your vocabulary but it decreases face to face communication skills. You might lack confidence to speak or feel utterly shy when you meet people offline. You might even portray unconsciously, inappropriate gestures, or in rare cases the other person might feel that you’re fake if you’re not what you seemed to be. This can cause identity crisis. It creates a skewed self-image. Again, your feelings are inauthentic. Maybe you’re just trying to be good and look to please them of your personality or just vice versa, show ignorance if you don’t like them at first sight. This is often found in using dating applications. It diminishes understanding and thoughtfulness. While interacting with someone online, people may possess talking skills, but in real fail to even show their true worth. This may cause other to stop the interaction hitherto and be disconnected. Whenever you go out to meet people, you worry about different things like getting dressed neatly, trying out a new place to meet, being punctual, being active etc whereas social media facilitates laziness. Our relationships with people outside are already in jeopardy, it reduces family closeness too.

Social media is unreliable; your data might get leaked or hacked. It is time consuming; you don’t do anything productive if you engage for long hours on some random topic. It makes you idle. Your vacations with friends, family, colleagues may get spoiled if you’re addicted to use your mobile while travelling, unless you’re clicking pictures. Which of course, almost more than 50% people use their cells, not brains, pun intended. One peculiar thing about social media is that it is dynamic, keeps changing from time to time. These changes are constant and may come in between your daily rituals. Lastly, it can be dangerous for people when misused for targeted abuse & harassment. Anyone can bully, name-call, defame, body shame, abuse & threaten you thus viciously play with your mind. That is why it is important to keep a check on whatever you’re doing online.

Try to minimise usage of online surfing, restrict it to work related. Beware of the fraudsters, protect your identity, act smart & be careful of people whom you talk to. One must plan out the schedule wisely. Everything in a limit is understandable but excess of anything is bad even for your mental, physical, emotional, and social well-being. Gain some insight from successful people. Focus on expanding your ideas online. Keep no inhibitions. Don’t crave for instant gratification or seek approval by some random third person. Trust people in real life. Generate curiosity for the greater good. Find time for your personal grooming, family, your actual friends, office mates. Keep some time for your recreation. Make up for the time being wasted. Well enough said. Now as you can see, how social media impacts our life, I will conclude it and would apologetically like to leave it at your discretion, to decide what is right and what should be done. See for yourself as to where you stand in this context and have you found any meaning.


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