Sunday, August 5, 2018

Road to a healthy, happy and joyful life.

Do you resent and carry regret feeling having been taken undue advantage of by people near and far? Do you feel disappointed at not being recognized & appreciated for your contributions? Do you feel completely drained of your energy? Do you feel none is sincere to you?

Learn to draw a line for a healthy, happy and joyful living. Discipline yourself by prioritizing things that are necessary for your survival and self growth. Taking on responsibilities more than you can handle is one of the contributing factors to your physical and emotional stress. Generally the feeling of guilt associated with saying NO, a difficult task, to people concerned deters one from opting for firm refusal to demands that disturb the balance of your own life. Quality of one’s life depends on clarity of mind in taking amicable decisions without being defensive or apologetic. Help others but not at your own cost by denying adequate time to your own priorities.

Resentment and frustration, factors detrimental to your peace of mind,  starts building up when one starts feeling of being taken undue advantage of, feeling disappointed in absence of due recognition & appreciation, feeling completely drained of energy etc.

Now is the time and it is never too late to restructure your life plan and stop bothering that people concerned shall get upset with your FIRM REFUSAL to their expectations & demands.         

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