Monday, August 20, 2018

Meaningful Positive friendships

Meaningful positive friendships

Generally classmates, acquaintances, colleagues form the broader friend circle. In childhood classmates who sit next to you in class or ones whom you play with/spend most time with, In adulthood same age group with whom we mostly hang out with and now Virtual friends on social platforms like facebook (the most dangerous & damaging) define our social behavior.

We come across people/persons
Ones who are concerned just about themselves
Ones who always have an excuse when you need them in emergency
Ones whose frequency of interactions with you varies depending upon the state of affairs you are in i.e having a good life or otherwise.
Ones who cheat & back stab for their own advantage.
Ones who reveal your secrets, shared in confidence, in public.

One is required to revisit and revise the definition of a friend. Remove the clutter from your life and retain only true well wishers.

It is advisable to expect only what you yourself are ready and willing to do, do not take them for granted. Stick by them more through their bad times than in their happy moments.

Befriend yourself, live in your own happy little universe with high degree of self esteem thus you will never have to chase friends.

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