Friday, August 3, 2018

Building character strength to face adverse situation in life

Human mind is exposed to goodness, positivity, pessimism and negativity. The character of a person depends upon the degree to which his/her mind captures either positivity and goodness or pessimism and negativity. It gets reflected in the form of one’s words, actions and attitude in crisis/difficult times. The assessment is made on the basis of how quietly and gracefully one accepts defeat and hardships of life. One with a strong character gets into fire fighting mode with composure, acceptance of adverse conditions, courage and conviction in self for right action. He/She appreciates and feels blessed with friends who express genuine concern and stand by in the adverse times rather than feeling let down by the trusted one’s. One with a weak character gets into fright& flight mode gripped by helplessness, blaming and cursing the circumstances for the hardships. So trust in ups & downs of life, everything happens for a reason, keep building on stock of positive thoughts, soak character in strength and self belief that this too shall pass.   

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