Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Anger management

Anger is an expression of one’s annoyance, irritation, displeasure, resentment to provocations. Untamed/uncontrolled anger damages relationships, friendships and families due to one’s frequent verbal or physical outbursts. It affects the behavior of one’s children who are often witness to angry outbursts. Road rage, domestic violence, child abuse, physical assault and even murder are consequences of mismanaged anger. Once one realizes about his/her overblown, misdirected and unwarranted response, it leads to guilt, shame, embarrassment, remorse, loss of peace of mind and damage to self esteem. It can cost you your health. Buddha says “ you will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger”.  

Think before you speak/act, first calm yourself then express your disenchantment, do not keep grudge, do not be critical in your response, regular exercise/relaxation techniques e.g., yoga, deep breathing, meditation, hobbies like listening to soothing music, reading books and adopting "take it easy approach" are some of the ways to manage anger.
Go for counseling to learn anger management. Contact m-9872880634

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