Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Laughter is a great stress buster

Laughter is a great stress buster

Emotions like anger & irritability take over control when one is upset. Be calm, respectful, do not argue & do not blame. But do not suppress your emotions, discuss the situation & assess the reasons calmly later on. Hassles, inconveniences & non-sensical incidents are part of daily life, do not take it too seriously and find humorous side of it and laugh it away. Laughter helps in viewing stressful situation in a particular way and more objectively at the same relaxing your mind. Do not isolate yourself. Hope & acceptance instead of anger, hostility, aggression provides meaning to life. Little acts of love & kindness, helping others distracts one from own worries and keep depression at bay. Have faith, understand, come to grips with situation and be optimistic in order to cope with life.          

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