Sunday, June 23, 2019

Time to save your relationship.

Time to save your relationship.

The personality, thoughts & beliefs of a partner, unfulfilled needs, and break in communication determines the state of mind and that in turn determines the actual state of relationship. The mind dominated by chaos, confusion, fear & hatred, a kind of negative thinking, makes one hurt partner’s esteem involuntarily inviting equally negative response that leads to developing brittle & toxic relationship over the time.

Generally we often suppress feelings to navigate through confrontational situation and maintain semblance for some time till one’s patience yields. Evoke, engage, unlock your feelings and converse with partner about the state of personal relationship in order to address the huge amount of hidden grief and resolve the issues. 

Critical thinking helps one contemplate, understand & navigate the reality, immensely important for how we act/react in relationship. Get into other’s shoes (role reversal) to understand, realize what made him/her respond the way that hurt you. The insight will help you start putting thoughts of rebuilding a healthy relationship in your mind. Doing so will start you on the road to turning those thoughts of good relationship into real.

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