Saturday, June 8, 2019

Child psychologist in Chandigarh....9872880634

It is quite normal for a child to feel anxious sometimes but display of anxiety & phobia without any substantial/apparent reason is a cause of worry. Increasing expectations in the face of cut throat competition, nuclear family limiting family connections, inadequate social mingling are some of the reasons for a child to develop anxiety disorders that results in devastating effect on his/her academic performance. A child’s frequent complaints before certain tasks like headache, stomach-ache, feeling unwell and physical distress may be symptomatic of anxiety disorders. These children fighting anxiety & depression exhibit sleep problem, radical behavioural change such as withdrawal, loss of interest in activities, aggression, hyperactivity, difficulty in eating, and oppositional defiance. These signs when observed in a child should not be ignored and discussed with a professional. Cognitive behaviour therapy provides favourable outcomes. 

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