Monday, June 17, 2019

Facing emotional turmoil

One’s interaction with some people, whom one meets and uncertainties associated with challenging situations one is in, makes one feel uneasy, incompetent, embarrassed, apprehensive, afraid, nervous, sad, unhappy & worried. The negative energy associated with these emotions leads one to be inwardly drawn and lonely in absence of adequate outside support resulting in mental disorders. One panics in this state of mind because of intense anxiety and gets trapped in the vicious cycle of worries & fear.  One exhibits overwhelming symptoms like trembling, short of breath, rapid heartbeat, feeling unwell, suffocation, numbness etc.   Finding oneself in this condition requires temporary distractions by change of focus, calming of mind via meditation/deep breathing/music, avoiding discussion on negative things, distracting one’s mind by doing creative things & physical exercise, connecting with like-minded people in order to release suppressed feelings.

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