Sunday, June 16, 2019

Facing relationship conflict;

Facing relationship conflict;

A relationship, in the truest sense of the word, means relating to another. An honest relationship is one in which we accept each other as whole individuals, and find a way to share our life experiences together. Know it that there are two things in life that we can never change; the past and other people. Accept & embrace the ideal & the not-so-ideal, without conditions. Generally our belief we have common ground to make seemingly different ideas come together makes us try to fit another person into our predetermined ideal partner. In a relationship, wanting to change other is dishonest. Do not try to change/control the other, you will lose your influence and generate distance that makes partner step outside resulting in disappointment & frustration.

Frustration is a sign of failure in getting what we want and thus our self-esteem & self-confidence are reduced. Frustration is a form of fear or anger, emotions that arise inside us, distract us & even blind us. The negative emotions makes one lose control & dictates one’s response. The expectations (disguised desires) generates a conflict, we feel victimized and blame others/situation for our unhappiness and loose our sense of well-being. Our negative perception, attitude & behavior to change, influence & control others/situation, is responsible for the mental & emotional pain.

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