Wednesday, July 28, 2021


Excessive self-criticism leads one to focus on one’s so-called failures resulting in higher stress levels leading to anxiety & depression. Nothing happens without a purpose. There is no right or wrong decision. One must take ownership & responsibility for own behavior, action and deeds. The past cannot be changed. One can't swallow the words that one said, since one already said them. One can't repeat the scene from past in a different way because it has already happened & stayed recorded on the film of this world drama. Therefore, don't repeat the words or the scene in mind over & over again; doing that, one keeps alive something that is dead, since past already stayed behind. Remove all types of fears within & feel safe. Fears inhibit one’s imagination that is too creative and expensive to waste. All decisions contribute to development & are an integral part of one’s evolving existence. Learn from mistakes, focus & commit self to small ways that help you improve, use your full potential & evolve in your life Journey. See problems and challenges as opportunities to grow. Try not to see them as failures and circumstances that are holding you back, but rather as opportunities to become a better version of self. Happiness is full enjoyment of each moment with a smiling face. One must live life as joyful experience by 'doing' instead of merely 'complaining’.

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