Saturday, July 17, 2021

Effective And Wise Decision Making Have moments of indecision been blocking your happiness, peace & success? Do you frequently rely on someone else to give you timely & accurate decisions? We often overthink, over-analyse to an extent where we fail to see options or choose from among options. The more we hesitate to decide, our decision-making power depletes. It’s fine to consult a number of people but the final decision needs to be ours. Only then we offer our best to implement it and also take responsibility for its consequences. We have all the answers within, waiting to be heard. If there’s confusion or fear, silencing the mind is important. In such stillness, the mind creates fewer thoughts, the intellect discerns right and wrong, and gives us right decisions. Let’s take decisions that suit our capacity and qualities, not based on what other people would approve. Remind yourself - I take my own decisions that help me even in the long-term. My decisions are beneficial for my mind, body, relationships and work.


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