Sunday, September 27, 2020

 Life is beautiful and simple. People slip away from our lives like sand. Conditioned by the surroundings a person acquires a behavior one finds awkward. We form an opinion and start nagging too much preaching life’s lessons repeatedly. An inner sense of rebellion at being compelled to change the behavior, you are passionate about, quietly builds up suppressed feelings leading to pent up anger and aggression to express defiance & annoyance when feel humiliated. Silence & suppression of thoughts lead to anxiety, sadness & depression. Control repetitive & compulsive reaction, learn to ignore minor irritants and listen quietly to what other person tells, who may be lonely inside and struggling all alone. Expression of one’s conviction without being disrespectful & abusive avoids interpersonal conflicts. Acceptance of one’s emotional state, limitations & remaining non-judgmental avoids withdrawal. Don’t counter the rude behavior in the same spirit instead leave and take time out. Realization afterwards works better.  

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