Friday, September 18, 2020


Feeling scared in the challenging & complicated times while questioning where current events are headed, how bad is it going to get & how it will affect you. You are caught up in nervousness thinking something bad will happen, which you perpetuate through your traumatic imagination. There is nothing wrong with being afraid as long as we do not let it stop us from doing the things that excite. Frame your thoughts a little differently to shift your mental state from one of resistance to one of openness effecting energy shift from fear, which paralyzes, to excitement. It shall empower you to direct all the energy towards moving forward, growing & learning. Refuse to struggle against it by putting on a false bravado & insisting you're not nervous at all. Instead move forward past the fear without paying any attention, as though it doesn't exist, to the negative state at all. Trust and assure self in your ability to handle challenges. Excitement, curiosity, passion rather than anxiety shall help and inspire you to be more comfortable with fear.

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