Friday, October 11, 2019

Rebirthing sessions in Chandigarh

Rebirthing, as a mode of healing , as a mode of spiritual purification has tremendous energy . It is a psychotherapeutic tool to remove our blocked experiences and emotions . During the process , one breathes Energy and lets the Energy take over. Most of our traumas begin in the womb , and yes the energy of the womb is huge. The womb has the energy of the Divine, of the Universe and it is the home of the unborn who’s WiFi and networking is through the umbilical cord.
Leonard Orr spoke of FIVE BIGGIES which later became NINE and these are the big time TRAUMAS that affect us. They are  : Birth Trauma, Specific Negatives, Parental Disapproval Syndrome, Death Urge, and Past Lives. To these five , he added four more biggies later: School Trauma, Religion Traumas, Senility, and finally the Ninth one , Repression of the Feminine. During Rebirthing sessions , one by one we deal with these Biggies and heal them . All of us, yes all of us are wounded soldiers battered by some onslaught or the other in our lives and when we start healing them we begin to rise like the Phoenix.
When we do Rebirthing, we work on Energy and Energy is like a dynamite , a powerhouse of explosive which resides in everything and everyone in this universe and all we have to do is to tap into it. When you tap into it , it’s enlightening.. because it is God, it is the Eternal Spirit. Energy is everywhere, it just is. Energy can move with our thoughts and the more energy we put into our thoughts the more of a powerhouse it can become “ materialising into physical things, social realities, personal feelings and spiritual abilities “,  says Leonard.
We get our Energy from our parents when we absorb their thoughts, their feelings, their emotions, their beliefs, and all this begins in the WOMB , our Karmic seat from where our journey begins and also the journey of our Traumas , and the story of our inheritance .

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