Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Rebirthing sessions in Chandigarh India... contact us at...09872880634..

Problematic periods - Rebirthing sessions helps...
Periods are the body clock of feminity ,of being a woman. Hmm!  periods can be painful, or  you can have  Menorrhagia ie heavy and prolonged periods ,or Metorrhagia  spotting or bleeding that occurs outside  of periods, or PCOD ie Polycystic ovarian disease, a harmonal imbalance , or cramps ..
Menstrual disorders are all about having DIFFICULTY IN ACCEPTING YOUR BEING A FEMALE. It also has a lot to do with your mother, ie your having difficulty in accepting your mother- the first female in your life . Sometimes we see the kind of life our  mother may be leading which  we  may dislike,  our dislike of womanhood and everything pertaining to it begins.  Mothers can feed you with " larkiyon ko sehna parta hai, mujhe dekho...". So the growing girl goes by this motto- ' Life sucks, specially if youre a female'  . Check out if somebody in your family said to you when you were a little girl that periods were  shameful, dirty, impure . It's warps the child's mindset . Many a time it compels you ,the little girl to think, 'why wasn't I a boy'.  You grow up thinking that boys have so much  fun while we girls are straddled with periods, cramps,  pregnancy. Subconsciously you would have loved being a man but since your soul plan was to be a woman and experience womanhood that's why the problem. You wanted to be a man  being free.

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