Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Rebirthing sessions in Chandigarh India... contact us at...09872880634..

Problematic periods - Rebirthing sessions helps...
Periods are the body clock of feminity ,of being a woman. Hmm!  periods can be painful, or  you can have  Menorrhagia ie heavy and prolonged periods ,or Metorrhagia  spotting or bleeding that occurs outside  of periods, or PCOD ie Polycystic ovarian disease, a harmonal imbalance , or cramps ..
Menstrual disorders are all about having DIFFICULTY IN ACCEPTING YOUR BEING A FEMALE. It also has a lot to do with your mother, ie your having difficulty in accepting your mother- the first female in your life . Sometimes we see the kind of life our  mother may be leading which  we  may dislike,  our dislike of womanhood and everything pertaining to it begins.  Mothers can feed you with " larkiyon ko sehna parta hai, mujhe dekho...". So the growing girl goes by this motto- ' Life sucks, specially if youre a female'  . Check out if somebody in your family said to you when you were a little girl that periods were  shameful, dirty, impure . It's warps the child's mindset . Many a time it compels you ,the little girl to think, 'why wasn't I a boy'.  You grow up thinking that boys have so much  fun while we girls are straddled with periods, cramps,  pregnancy. Subconsciously you would have loved being a man but since your soul plan was to be a woman and experience womanhood that's why the problem. You wanted to be a man  being free.

Counselling for Addiction..

Addiction involves craving for something intensely, loss of control over its use, and continuing involvement with it despite adverse consequences. Addiction changes the brain, first by subverting the way it registers pleasure and then by corrupting other normal drives such as auto suggestion, creative thinking, immune system/ aura, learning systems, Self motivation, social contribution mindsets etc. Addiction exerts a long and powerful influence on the brain that manifests in three distinct ways: craving for the object of addiction, loss of control over its use, and continuing involvement with it despite adverse consequences.

For many years, experts believed that only alcohol and powerful drugs could cause addiction. Neuroimaging technologies and more recent research, however, have shown that certain pleasurable activities, such as  unnecessary shopping, gambling, asking help all time, putting down mindsets, hidden relationship within four walls, taking  only one special-coworker's extra care, sex, non praising God etc. can also co-opt the brain. Although multiple addictions, each tied to a specific substance or activity, consensus is emerging that these may represent multiple expressions of a common underlying brain process.

In the 1970s, when researchers first began to investigate what caused addictive behavior, they believed that people who developed addictions were somehow morally flawed or lacking in willpower. 

Monday, October 21, 2019

Master your personal life

Master your personal life

Excessive use of smart phones, social media, work pressure, relationship issues all brings one under unprecedented stress. Learn to discipline self & change your thought process to empower self to be aware of whole new world of possibilities & help you determine & control the direction of destiny. Let go and release the past resentments, suppressed feelings, guilt, anger & inherent fears making you uncomfortable. Persistent negative thoughts like judging self, others & personal experiences, over indulgence with addictive behavior to run away from reality creates anxiety & depression. Today’s young generation is a knowledgeable lot & seeks understanding, not taunts. They need professional help to understand both physical & emotional aspects to master personal life.  

Thursday, October 17, 2019



Mindfulness, means to be fully present in the here and now, for mental health and well being is slowly gaining foothold in today’s fast paced world. It empowers an individual to overcome the ever consuming thoughts of anger, fear, desire, despair, longing or regret & thus understand one’s own physical, mental and emotional state. The real/correct perspective so gained helps to heal, transform and nourish. Pause, relax and be aware of the present moment, your feelings, emotions in order to get a grip on your response, as one’s response to challenges makes all the difference. The fast paced life is affecting children also. Children are hyper-active and suffer short attention spans. They need to be taught to carry out any activity, be it eating, walking, reading or listening with entire focus to raise them as capable adults who will be in control of their emotions.      

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Anxiety ?

Anxiety ?
Anxiety builds up when an individual starts worrying constantly about the unknown future rather than keeping one’s mind in the present moment. It is natural to be anxious due to one’s insecurities - questions like what will happen? what will be the future like?. But suffering incessantly the unchecked anxiety due to one’s confused emotions fearing the uncertainty of future leads to depression.  The impermanence of events/circumstances that keep on changing from time to time needs to be understood & made the foundation stone of life’s perspective. It shall leave no room for unfounded fears and hence the anxiety & depression. Be aware of the negative emotions; remain engaged in stress relieving activities like meditation; exercise; hobby etc.  

Monday, October 14, 2019

The power of thought – Dream, Believe and Achieve.

The power of thought – Dream, Believe and Achieve.

An individual must take complete responsibility to establish balance between his/her two opposite conflicting intentions possible & impossible i.e the most important thought and the most inconsequential thought. Rapidly shifting thoughts are responsible for all that goes on within us. Break the boundary of mind restrictive circumstances, expand mind to suit your imagination as what one perceives can be conceived.  It is said reality matches assumptions hence improve self image & self confidence essential to build a positive perception enabling you make right choice for a new experience. Adhere to the belief that you are not weak and vow to achieve harmony between your active & passive self via your will power and creativity.    

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Need to Guard against isolation & loneliness

Disintegration of childhood/adolescent close friend circle due to geographical dislocation because of profession, break down of joint family system & small family norms is pushing individuals into social isolation, living alone & suffer from loneliness till such time the person is able to re-establish his/her identity amongst the new community & strike real friendships for much needed person to person connect. The prolonged loneliness & lack of people to people connect proves to be an emotional & psychological drain resulting in development of mental disorders like mood blues, anxiety, depression and suicidal tendency. The person gets entrapped in enhanced virtual digital connect on social media, addictive behavior like smoking, drinking, drugs etc. to cope up with the stress thus affecting his/her mental & physical health. Effective professional psychological counseling, robust social support system, bonding with family & extended family helps the person talk without inhibition, spending time with nature/outdoors, pursuing passion/hobby, joining cultural organizations and indulgence in social service helps the person find new friend circle to cope with his/her isolation and loneliness.     

Friday, October 11, 2019

Rebirthing sessions in Chandigarh

Rebirthing, as a mode of healing , as a mode of spiritual purification has tremendous energy . It is a psychotherapeutic tool to remove our blocked experiences and emotions . During the process , one breathes Energy and lets the Energy take over. Most of our traumas begin in the womb , and yes the energy of the womb is huge. The womb has the energy of the Divine, of the Universe and it is the home of the unborn who’s WiFi and networking is through the umbilical cord.
Leonard Orr spoke of FIVE BIGGIES which later became NINE and these are the big time TRAUMAS that affect us. They are  : Birth Trauma, Specific Negatives, Parental Disapproval Syndrome, Death Urge, and Past Lives. To these five , he added four more biggies later: School Trauma, Religion Traumas, Senility, and finally the Ninth one , Repression of the Feminine. During Rebirthing sessions , one by one we deal with these Biggies and heal them . All of us, yes all of us are wounded soldiers battered by some onslaught or the other in our lives and when we start healing them we begin to rise like the Phoenix.
When we do Rebirthing, we work on Energy and Energy is like a dynamite , a powerhouse of explosive which resides in everything and everyone in this universe and all we have to do is to tap into it. When you tap into it , it’s enlightening.. because it is God, it is the Eternal Spirit. Energy is everywhere, it just is. Energy can move with our thoughts and the more energy we put into our thoughts the more of a powerhouse it can become “ materialising into physical things, social realities, personal feelings and spiritual abilities “,  says Leonard.
We get our Energy from our parents when we absorb their thoughts, their feelings, their emotions, their beliefs, and all this begins in the WOMB , our Karmic seat from where our journey begins and also the journey of our Traumas , and the story of our inheritance .

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Feel obstacles in the way of your happiness-Counselling helps

The human preferences, the likes or dislikes, desiring for better conditions paves the way for new perspectives & improvement in life. The function of mind is to judge and make choices but when it is personalized to judge self and identified with, the individual ends up feeling confused & self-critical thus the suffering from mental disorders. Pre-occupation and obsession with thoughts of fear/negativity terrifies & develops into phobia. The ensuing discomfort, pressure & desperation makes one try to get back to comfort zone at any cost… including sacrificing long-term health, happiness & success. Mental disorders like depression & anxiety must not be more embarrassing than any other ailment. Identify, accept, admit and talk about the issue with support group/Psychologists/Counselors. Reinvent self, think more clearly, have positive outlook, let go the negativity, express your uniqueness through your desires/preferences & get your lives back on track. Living in the moment truly makes one live.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Trust the process of life

Trust the process of life

Facing emotional moments ranging from love to crisis to anger, anxiety & nervousness is inevitable as we grow. Embrace, enjoy what life offers at the present moment, be grateful for the all the good times and have fun. Indulge in activities that keep you optimistic. GOD has a plan then why bother? Life’s a struggle, conditions may be against you at present but rather than giving up, have patience & faith, work to your full potential with courage, dignity and grace. Circumstances do change for individuals who compassionately empathise with self. What brings smile on one’s face is the feeling of happening life and being alive.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

There is always light at the end of tunnel

There are times when gloom causes one to momentarily lose sight and feel like life is at a standstill. Repeated bouts of adversity are an unavoidable aspect of human existence. Stagnation is often a sign that great changes are on the horizon. Trust, perseverance, inner faith & renewed confidence in own capabilities, creativity helps overcome the anxiety about the ability to succeed.  Not bothering about the future keeps one just where one needs to be—fully committed & in the present moment. Remain fully engaged in the day at hand, enjoying all it has to offer & putting energy into making the most of it & wait for the time when everything shall be in its perfect place. Listen to inner guidance & focus thoughts with fresh perspective on the goals that resonate the most strongly within to be perfectly ready & capable to handle future. Remain calm & continue to battle against inner struggles to emerge stronger & better equipped to cope with the challenges. Self examination, adjustments and change in perspective, behavior, or response helps one to prepare for the right opportunity.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Regular counselling sessions helps an individual live a balanced life.

Today’s fast paced competitive environment burdens an individual with multi-faceted responsibilities. The experience makes the person develop a point of view, opinions, fear of rejection, complaints, anger, distraction leading to his/her drift away from being connected. They need to be talked to and heard with respect, consideration, understanding of their point of view without letting the conversation getting argumentative.  A counselor makes a sincere effort to know what is going on in his/her life, feelings that are bothering reassuring the person of being understood of their point of view via patient listening with attention, appreciation and acknowledgement of their opinions helping the individual open up. Regular counselling sessions helps an individual live a balanced life.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Self confidence - key to happy, healthy and successful life.

Self confidence - key to happy, healthy and successful life.

Self confidence, an imperative quality that helps lead a successful personal & professional life, is of utmost importance to sustain mental and emotional well being. Belief in self propels one to take on life challenges head on without worrying/fearing the outcome. Self love, valuing self & own capabilities, staying hydrated, adequate sleep, healthy diet & regular exercise boosts confidence which helps one to embrace self doubts without being too self critical. Indulge in talking to self, give self good & meaningful suggestions to combat negative thoughts and move ahead.  Self compassion is the key to a happy, healthy and successful life.