Sunday, July 7, 2019

It is human to have desires & expectations.

It is human to have desires & expectations so do not resist or suppress. It is fine to plan & follow your inspirations, but don’t create any rigid expectations about how your desired reality will manifest.

The result/outcome, many a times, completely opposite to what one expects in particular makes one feel let down, creates anxiety & helplessness forcing one to believe that something is wrong about a particular happening. 

Expecting life to bring forth the desired result in a manner conceived/planned with one’s limited intelligence  puts one under pressure. The extra-ordinary expectations keeps one alienated from the reality of life. Expecting constantly in a manner that is pleasing makes one prisoner to the tendency of assuming negatively about the situations.

The best attitude a mature mind has is to see everything as a step towards a more positive reality. Staying positive irrespective of your present situation will keep you in alignment with your life force and bring forth the solutions that you desire. Do not cling to any specific result/outcome but trust life’s intelligence to bring forth the most congruent & positive reality that is far better than what you anticipate.  

Allow life to surprise you on the way to desired reality/experience. The exciting experiences in life are temporary. 

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