Monday, July 22, 2019

Emotional well being is the key to happiness and joy, the basic need for a satisfied life.

Emotional well being is the key to happiness and joy, the basic need for a satisfied life.

Pause, reflect and think positive. Carrying hurt, anger and resentment is detrimental to emotional well being. The negative emotions cause anxiety and depression. Holding grudges over small and inconsequential wrong doings experienced in day to day life robs the peace of mind of self. Ignore as it has already occurred. Just remembering or talking about them won’t change anything. Focus on quality rather than quantity of deep connection and strong relationships. Reliving little joys of childhood, love, laughter & joyous times and imagining glorious future, generates satisfying feelings. Identify your talent/passion, do not suppress it but engage. Pursue with conscious awareness and concentration to keep your emotions in a level of calm & balance for enjoying a better quality of life.   

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