Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Joy & happiness are two different positive emotions. One is a positive force that stays for longer periods of time, maybe even permanently as a person grows older.

Everyone wants to be happy. Happiness is a more material-based emotion & involves positive outside force that affects you personally. Happiness is elation, sudden pure excitement, in response to some sort of great news/happening and is short-lived.

Joy is a permanent part of your life. It is a mindset, a characteristic, the strength within self that holds a long-term feeling of contentment derived from accomplishing something you’ve been trying for a while & finally achieving what you’ve set out to do. It is about knowing your own self-worth, love for self & being at peace within despite any negativity in your environment. Joy is diminished only if you react negatively to the situation all the time. Joy is in thankfulness, as you let someone know they are appreciated.


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