Thursday, August 5, 2021

Parent’s social relationships, interpersonal & intrapersonal interactions, behaviour patterns are keenly observed by children while growing up. Childhood perceptions so built up by them in the course of upbringing contributes to making & development of their personality. Parent’s endeavour must be to provide an environment at home conducive for the child’s healthy growth, study & preparation for bright future. Focus needs to be on the feel good factor of child.  An optimum assertiveness punctuated with warmth is desirable for a disciplined upbringing. Regular conversation, face to face social interaction, acknowledgement, recognition for small-big achievements & rewards, leisure time physical activity like outdoor sports, and vacation amongst nature helps child acquire skills to sustain cut throat competition. Impressionable minds must not be allowed to waste time and energy in virtual & deceptive world of the digital technology (smart phones etc), the latest addiction pushing them into their cocoons (physical & mental isolation).   


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