Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Happiness enhancing hormones

Happiness enhancing Hormones

Child/self is not happy in life despite blessed with the best of everything in life. Do not understand the real cause of unhappiness. Just give this a try to make your child & yourself stay happy and well prepared to deal with challenges and problems better.

1. Start outdoor sports/exercise half an hour daily. Our body releases Endorphins (hormone) that helps the body cope with the pain of exercising. Soon we start enjoying exercise because Endorphins make us happy. Laughter is another way of generating Endorphins. Read or watch funny stuff to get our day's dose of Endorphins.

2. Acknowledge, appreciate & reward each and every small-big accomplishment/ achievement to facilitating release of Dopamine (another hormone) that makes feel good & happy.

3. Motivate to share and act for the benefit of others or nature or the society and become nice human being, it releases Serotonin (another hormone) that determines human happiness.

4. Hug each other, hold hands or put arms around other’s shoulders, Oxytocin (another happiness enhancing hormone) is released.

Taking time to understand purpose of life & expectations, thinking big, having long term vision, identifying & taking concrete steps to accomplish goal, Self belief, motivation, integrity, taking inspiration from insights in journey of life, respect for others and own well being must be on priority list to lead a happy life.

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