Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Ways to heal the hidden hurt.

Ways to heal the hidden hurt.

Know that anything in ourselves that shadows the truth about our actual selves is punishing. Admit to as you are and concede to thy true self. It is fact "The medicine is bitter, but it heals". Make correction to your own consciousness of unwanted condition thus begin the process of self healing and heal the hidden hurt inside for ultimate betterment.

Admit and concede to the fact that:-

1.      We build an imaginary value in our life that holds up as long as others do not disturb our dreams.
2.      We run into the same conflicts and experience the same negativities wherever we go and regardless of whom we meet.
3.      We say sorry for our bad behavior just not to be bothered anymore by those whom we troubled by our unpleasant manifestations.
4.      We resent over our inability to say "No" but blame others for their selfishness.
5.      We believe that we know all to be a "winner" in life in spite of all the pain it causes us and others.
6.      We subject others around us to hurt by our character fault which we have mastered to hide.
7.      Crying out of self-pity does not change anything about the nature of the self that is the source of our tears.
8.      We look forward for the company of known liars, flatterers and betrayers rather than live our life by ourselves.
9.      We avoid answering the genuine need of others considering them as complaints that will only inconvenience us.

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