Friday, February 15, 2019

Examinations and anxious parents

Examinations and anxious parents

Parents complain - Children score is not satisfactory despite long hours of study. Children are not preparing well for exams. Children are not able to cope with syllabus. Invariably the reference point for parents to make such observations is either themselves or other children but we have to understand that each child has unique capability, strength and cannot be compared.

Tips for Parents: Excessive pressure shall not take children beyond their capabilities rather will impede their preparations. Spend sufficient time with your child, guide setting realistic goal confirming to his/her strengths/capability and help in planning, organising and setting time table for studies. Appreciate them for their smallest achievement to motivate. Do nor pressurise, rebuke, remind him/her of past results/failures rather be caring and receptive to their problems. Avoid family conflicts.

Tips for Children: Prioritize the topics of syllabus, simpler first followed by complex ones, for preparation.  Learn to concentrate to use your mind and time effectively. Concentration is focusing time and energy exclusively on the topic in hand, observation and paying attention. Read the topic with full attention and scribble down the important details as much as possible. Take a break and then again pick up the topic. Look for the important details that you missed to scribble down. Carry on repeating this process until you have discovered almost everything and are confident about the topic. No one must think all the details have been scribbled down in one go rather look for more as much as possible.

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