Monday, May 31, 2021

Detechment and past life link I am in my teens watching a family, an elderly couple, a man and two boys, having dinner somewhere in Rajasthan. I could feel being a member of the family but not a part of them. I am supposed to be sleep on a rug on the kitchen floor but i see myself lying on a bed in a room that belongs to the man of the house. I am in relation with him and we are to get married. I am very happy that i would soon be the woman of the house. Next I realized that i was pregnant. I could not see anything for a while. I was taken for delivery. I watched myself hitting the stomach till i lost the baby. I killed my baby. [visibly started rubbing rigorously right side of stomach]. I started crying as I did not deliver. I was told i could not have a baby. He had lied to me, he would never marry me. I see myself running away from that place. I am carrying all my belongings wrapped in a piece of cloth held under my left arm. I am cleaning the place. Some women, like me, come, talk to British woman, sit down on the floor in the room and study. I used to finish work and stand outside the room trying to see what they do. The English woman eventually allowed me to sit with those women and i also started to study. I am wearing a nice Sari and teaching poor women. I do not try to lower my look any more. I do not avoid men any more, meet and talk to them. I do not look unkept and ugly any more. They respected me. I could connect the respect with teaching. I was overjoyed. (my looks do matter to me a lot and of course in this life too). I am 35 and run a school for Kids. I stay in a house within the school premises. I always wear a Sari and tie my hair in a bun. There was no man in my life. Around the age of 38, i met a man who was very well dressed and wore a hat. I felt attracted to him but something inside me told to stay away. We met at a function at the school. We met again after few months but i decided to stop meeting him. It was not good for me though i knew i was attracted to him more than he was to me. I see myself travelling to England. I went to meet the English lady and thank her. [She is my mother in current life]. She was very old yet graceful. She was very happy to see me grow as a person. I thanked her. It was very fulfilling to meet her again and share my story. A young English woman came back along with me. I enjoyed her teaching style and it made our school different from others. I had to learn so much from her. I see myself at a place. There were only women wearing white clothes. There was a teacher who would teach them yoga. The centre was in a place in the hills. It said Yoga but we never did yoga. We used to do meditations. I am 60. I am reading about the soul and trying to purify my soul. I also teach the meditation technique to other women in that centre. The name of centre is Raj Yoga. I was wondering that we all are women here and why would the name of our centre be Raj Yoga.[there is a Raj Yoga centre for women in Rajasthan which is for Brahma Kumaris] I am 65 and have given the charge of the school to the English young lady. I would only supervise. I started preparing to go through long meditations, reading, searching about Soul and purifying my soul. It is early morning. I woke up and had a bath, wore pure white new clothes. I died peacefully. I moved up very fast and reached a place of absolute calmness. Master light blessed me and I was filled with peace, calmness and joy. I was called Urma....It was 18th century. How to describe this life and I would say : LEARNING.


Phobia of height / Water / Darkness/ Strangers/ Lift / Crowd etc. can be explored in Past life regression session. Sometime you feel very much fear of some particular type. If you are uncomfertable with this fear you can go for Past Life regression session... Contact us at 9872880634


Sunday, May 30, 2021


The prevailing uncertainty is depressing it makes one get stressed, frustrated and angry. The thought “When will all this be over?” takes over because losing valuable time is difficult to handle. One must know that he/she is not alone, many suffer from such type of worries. The anxiety gets heightened by one’s social isolation & loneliness, try to do things which keep you happy & speak to close friends frequently. Addressing the problem rather than escape helps face the challenges, look back at happy memories & deal with conflicts politely, spare time for conversation and reach out to counselor for assistance.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Examination phobia– it is time for students to beat stress... Counselling helps.. Contact Anmol Singh, Psychologist, Chandigarh.Online counselling avilable Contact..9988552087 The fear of approaching examination makes students anxious and builds stress. It adversely affects the preparation and thus academic performance. Lack of completion of syllabus, apprehension about retention and non clarity of concepts are some of the factors that make the student pessimistic about his/her success and thus affects results. Students must identify the factors of his/her fear, seek guidance of parents, teachers, professional & friends to allay the fear and overcome the problem to gain confidence. Assess your capabilities, resources and be practical in determining your own goal instead of comparing with friends. Plan your study hours and stick to preparation schedule, work hard, put in sincere efforts to go thoroughly through the syllabus. Do not panic, lose patience and get frustrated, calm your mind, be firm & believe in your strength, remain motivated, the thoughts of rejection must never cross your mind. Contact at 9988552087



Pandemic has made children face social isolation due to prolonged closure of schools and thereby absence of physical proximity amongst them. It has pushed them into digital space because of affordable internet connection of cheap cellular networks and access to smart phones. Some of them risk getting cyber abused, harassed, bullied & blackmailed by anonymous people of aggressive attitudes & behaviors. It results in affecting their emotional bandwidth, lack of self worth wrecking their psyche and release of emotional toxins. Parents need to supervise optimum usage of smart phones.      

Monday, May 24, 2021


Suppressed grief & rage at suffering irreparable loss shall soon metamorphose into anger and sadness. Have the strength of conviction to express deep emotions before you get engulfed with the sentiment “I’m done with this! I don’t want this anymore”. Reflect on what gives your life a sense of purpose. 

Saturday, May 22, 2021


Life is precious but fragile. These are uncertain times and prevailing helplessness, isolation & anxiety is taking a toll on each one of us. Relaxing & calming mind via physical activity, exercise, listening to favorite music, cooking, pursuing hobbies, reaching out to someone seeking help to deal with loneliness, a lost emotion, is highly therapeutic. Talking is part of healing, the coping up mechanism to maintain mental health. Worrying about circumstances not in one’s control only builds stress instead stay strong, be aware & grateful of your blessings, face fear and strive to look after your responsibility towards self, immediate near & dear ones and society as a whole. Every day reinvent self, be creative & find new hobby to give meaning to your present moment.      

Wednesday, May 19, 2021


Life is at pause, distressed & disturbed yet search for happiness must continue. Fear & desperation, days of despair and nights of troubled sleep must not dent one’s hope to stay sane. This very moment of helplessness & hopelessness may seem to be incurable but the search & struggle for happiness invariably wins over the nagging guilt gnawing at you.  Stay occupied with what you like most, life will switch back to normal.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Never give up on your struggle with uncertainty & stress. Dark thoughts do cloud the mind in this struggle but one must stay the course with grace in the face of adversity. A deeply sensitive, caring and considerate person takes difference in opinion in his/her stride in a cool & composed manner without fear of reprisal and always meets with a smile on face.  One must provide space to different points of view to avoid verbal exchange taking an ugly turn.  


Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Emotional exhaustion due to distress on account of non preparedness to handle a situation reduces ability to process grief or loss and even empathize.  Acknowledging the panic & grief makes you vulnerable to sufferings. Do not let a sense of guilt, of whether I am doing enough? Crop up in your mind. Remind self that you are doing as much as you can.  Relentless pursuit to celebrate all forms of true love and care in your life shall give hope & the strength urgently needed in the time so distressing to render you numb. Life is short and one never knows what’s around the next corner. 


Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Be aware of thoughts & emotions before they wreck mental balance and you find self suffering from inner restlessness & unbearable pain. Living with feeling of bitterness, envy, jealousy and negativity destroys the one’s present. Anger & helplessness makes one look for meaning of his life. Learn to accept nothing is permanent, leave behind egoistic pride; live this very moment now with deep awareness of impermanence, sense of gratitude, humility, tenderness and love. Prevention is better than cure

Monday, May 3, 2021

Fear of prevailing uncertainty leads to a feeling of being stuck which generates never ending anxiety. Added to this experiencing great resistance to your life style from family elders curtails independence forcing you to negotiate turmoil, trauma & grief in isolation. Restricted social interactions in a stressful situation create a sense of loneliness & alienation resulting in distress, despair, lack of confidence and depression.