Monday, January 18, 2021

Mindful and Silent Mindful eating can cultivate seeds of compassion and, towards this, you may like to eat silently from time to time. We `turn off ' the talking, in order to enjoy the food and the presence of one another. I do not recommend silent meals every day. Talking to each other is a wonderful way to be in touch. But some subjects can separate us, for instance, if we talk about other people's shortcomings. The food that has been prepared carefully will have no value if we let this kind of talk dominate our meal. When, instead, we speak about things that nourish our awareness of the food and our being together, we cultivate the kind of happiness that is necessary for us to grow. If we compare this experience with that of talking about other people's shortcomings, awareness of a piece of bread in your mouth is a nourishing experience. It brings life in and makes life real. During eating, you refrain from discussing subjects that can destroy the awareness of the family and food.


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