Thursday, October 22, 2020


Dreams to touch new horizons makes you stretch & reinvent self, defy norms and learn. The opportunity to choose freedom to be in a relationship with one who cares to listen & trusts helps to live together in harmony. Love, respect and commitment for each other are the prerequisites to nurture and maintain a healthy flourishing relationship for a happy life. The personality, thoughts & beliefs of partner determines state of mind. Do not try to control, you will generate detachment & disconnect that makes partner step outside resulting in disappointment & frustration. Frustration is a form of fear or anger that makes lose control & dictates one’s response. Express and not suppress intense emotions in an inspiring rather than irritating & intimidating way to navigate through confrontationist situation. Shield self from negativity to retain sanity and positivity while grappling with unforeseen situations. The mind dominated by chaos, confusion, fear & hatred, a kind of negative thinking, makes one hurt partner’s esteem involuntarily inviting equally negative response that leads to developing brittle & toxic relationship over the time.

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