Friday, October 16, 2020

 A counselor is a loving & compassionate person who listens patiently without feeling exhausted even when you keep talking on & on listing your woes in life.  Put in sincere efforts to make correction to your own consciousness to let go the hidden hurt inside for ultimate betterment. Nature of self, the source of tears, does not change in spite of crying out of self-pity about all the pain caused due to experiencing the negativity. Concede to the facts that shadow the truth about thy true self. You believe you know all to be a "winner" in life despite running into conflicts regardless of whom you meet and then say sorry for bad behavior just not to be bothered anymore by those whom you troubled by unpleasant manifestations. You resent your inability to say "No" but blame others for their selfishness subjecting them to hurt & pain by character fault you have mastered to hide. Admit and concede to the facts that you have built an imaginary value in life that holds up as long as others do not disturb your dreams. You seek the company of flatterers and avoid those whose genuine opinion you think will inconvenience you. The conversation ends with you feeling relaxed, inspired & happy.

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