Monday, January 14, 2019

Joy – the ultimate purpose of our existence

Joy – the ultimate purpose of our existence

Generally certain level of anxiety creeps in human mind when one weighs/views one’s past/future respectively in terms of desires and hopes. One feels overwhelmed with anxiety resulting in shift of one’s ultimate focus away from true intrinsic goal i.e. happiness or joy.

The initial high of excitement motivates but wears off slowly, think progressively and find new avenues of interest for constant engagement and.  Minimise negativity and keep right attitude and perspective.  

Feel proud of your achievements, be grateful for what you have and be contented, live in the moment, do not analyse much and enjoy the present. Believe in self, maintain high self esteem, focus on better prospects and pursue with positive attitude, perspective, faith and diligence to be in true and natural state of happiness.

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