Monday, December 28, 2020


Overindulgence in according priority to partner’s needs & comfort, devoid of open discussion at the cost of own happiness, makes you compromise and letting take advantage of your flexibility.  Stop justifying self by giving clarifications to a stubborn unaccommodating partner who pays no heed. Their ego stops them from taking things in stride leading to conflicts. Introspect/self reflect and re-evaluate the desire to continue with relationship. If you always carry a feeling of uncertainty, it makes you anxious or depressed. Breakup affects the psyche and emotional well being making you feel lost & lonely. Consult a professional together to facilitate open discussion to tackle the simmering issues that result in conflicts. Do not lose faith in self, hold on to your confidence, develop a positive self image and derive emotional gratification in creative activities that help build meaningful, fulfilling and better life.            

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