Sunday, May 24, 2020

Today’s generation is emotionally vulnerable and prone to take to offence easily in the face of criticism and insults. Scolding at home, school, college, in public prompts one to take revenge in different form of actions including physical hurt to oneself, things and people around in order to release pent up feelings built up over a time. Personal Diary writing, a habit if cultivated, helps to express and understand one self. Personal Diary, a tool to communicate with self, is a hobby that helps one put daily one’s thoughts, feelings and emotions in a given stressful/happy incident of the day on paper honestly without any inhibition. Reading the diary later on, one gets a clear picture of what is going on within us, with us and around us. It helps in arranging one’s thought process opting for the positives rather than the negatives. Remembering the good/pleasant things that happened in one’s life cultivates a sense of gratitude and thereby drives one towards positive attitude. Reviewing one’s emotional response to pent up anxious feelings, at times destructive & detrimental, helps one admit and opt for course correction to turn negative feelings into positive ones. This hobby helps in keeping emotional turmoil under check, cope with a situation, of disliking, in a healthier manner, releases stress built up due to pent up feelings providing relief and grow into a happy and fun loving human living. For Counseling and guidance contact m-9872880634

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